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No, there is no known potion that can simulate death for a short period of time. Mimicking death can be dangerous and should not be attempted. It is important to seek help from medical professionals if you have concerns about your health.

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Q: Is there a potion that can make you seem dead for a short time?
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The potion Juliet drank to appear dead was called a sleeping potion, which Friar Laurence gave her to make it seem like she was dead so she could avoid marrying Paris.

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He advises her to take a potion which will make her seem to be dead. Then when she wakes up in her tomb, Romeo will come to rescue her.

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In the end of the scene, Friar Lawrence gives Romeo a plan to reunite with Juliet by faking his own death and then running away together once he is safely in Verona. This plan involves taking a potion that will make him appear dead for 42 hours and then sending a letter to inform Juliet of the situation.

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Proffesor Moody, but it was Barty Crouch Jr. using a polyjuice potion to make himself seem like Mad-eye. They catch him in the end.

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seem to foreshadow dead

What was the mixture that Friar Laurence gave to Juliet?

Applied phlebotinum. In other words, a substance which doesn't really exist but makes the action of the plot possible. There is no real substance which can make you appear to be dead (including lack of pulse or colour) for exactly 42 hours.

How can you make a short story seem long?

You can make a short story seem longer by incorporating detailed descriptions, adding more characters and subplots, and expanding on the internal thoughts and feelings of the main characters. Pacing the narrative and using rich language can also create the illusion of a longer story.

What is the potion that juliet drinks?

Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion at the opening of Act 4. It is the only way she can avoid being bigamously married to Paris. It is not a poison, however, just a Mickey Finn designed to knock her out for a couple of days.