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yes! but you need the national dex yes! but you need the national dex

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Q: Is there a rare Pokemon in th old chatue?
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No, he is actually alive and only 46 years old.

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the rare candies are at the bilding befor national park inside go th the door on the left at the pokelethion when you enter you play games and earn points you need 2000 points for a rare candy

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If by rare you mean legendary, then I am sorry to say you cannot, however, by that stage you could have Gardevoir. Catch ralts on on the route from oldale to petalburg, then evolve it to kirlia at lv 20, then to Gardevoir at lv 30. Give it an electric type TM for water and flying Pokemon if you need help with them. 7 th and 8 th gym will be easy with electricity!

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Go to Eterna City and talk to an old man called The Underground Man in the house next to th Pokemon Center

Pokemon Diamond tourous?

you need to go to route 210 and use poke radar in th grass near the north but yourll have to be patiant it is really rare and takes ages to find!!!hope i helped.