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Mighty White N Bright is one ready made product that will remove urine stains on a white dog's coat. Cleaning a dog immediately after it urinates is the best way to keep its fur from staining.

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Q: Is there a ready made product to remove urine stain on white dog's coat?
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Does urine be gone work?

I've used this product a few times and it seems to work for me. I have found that it works better when the urine stain is wet, opposed to when the urine is dried and has been in the carpet for over a day. It will remove the smell of dry stains, but not the stain itself.

How do you remove a urine stain from your mattress?

You could bleach it.

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soak it bleach and soap and hot water

What is the best product can be bought to clean dog urine out of the carpet?

Hi, Most products can take care of both stain and odor in one squirt. One of the most popular is '''Nature's Miracle, but there are several products to choose from. Here are some guidelines in choosing the best product to remove dog's stain/odors: '''

How do you remove urine smell from car?

There is a product called Zero Odor that when sprayed in the car will remove the urine smell.

How do you remove dog urine from carpet?

Usually any stain removal will remove it whether it's specifically for pet stains or not.

How do you remove dog urine from curtains?

Dog urine can be removed from curtains by soaking them in vinegar and baking soda. It absorbs the odor and removes the stain.

How do you get child urine out of sofa?

Steam clean. The urine is sterile so there shouldn't be any health hazard, but steam cleaning should remove the unsightly stain.

What is homemade recipe to remove pet urine?

The home made product I have found to be effective on pet urine is to wet the urine spot with water, and then vacuum it out with a wet/dry vac using just the hose (no attachment). Afterwards, spray the area with Odorxit concentrate. If the urine has already seeped through to the padding beneath, use Odorxit magic.You can also put dry bicarb on the stain, leave it for a while, and then vacuum it off. This should also work.The key, however, is to keep the urine from getting to the padding under the carpet first - so the quicker you get to the stain, the better and easier it will be to remove it!

How do you remove dog urine odor from heating vent?

The best cleaners for cat urine are those found at a pet store. What you need is to use one that reacts chemically to the enzymes and removes the order. Using a product that is a specialized stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner, such as "Outright Pet Stain Eliminator," "Pet 'Oops' Remover," or "Stain Gobbler".

How do I remove cat urine stain from an oak floor?

Cat urine stains will generally make the oak floor a darker color than the surrounding floor. To remove the stain, soak up any remaining urine if it is still fresh. Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and gently dab on the stain. Let dry and repeat until the stain is gone and the floor restored to original color.

How do you remove cat urine from a car seat?

You can remove cat urine from your car seat by applying a product called D-Molish. D-Molish actually neutralizes the urine smell, it will be totally gone!