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Cat urine stains will generally make the oak floor a darker color than the surrounding floor. To remove the stain, soak up any remaining urine if it is still fresh. Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and gently dab on the stain. Let dry and repeat until the stain is gone and the floor restored to original color.

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12y ago

Bleach works good but discolors the wood. An enzyme product works well. Sanding and refinishing is best. However, I don't care how well you mask/clean the area, the animal WILL re-mark the territory. Some dicipline may be in order

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9y ago

There is no way to get severe pet urine out of hard wood floors. You have to replace the floor.

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14y ago

clean it immediately, and remove the cat. because cats will urinate on the same place multiple times in order to establish their territory.

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Q: How do I remove cat urine stain from an oak floor?
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Do your best and then bleach the stain if your carpet is white.

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To remove cat urine odor from your furniture, you need to a product called NI-712. NI-712 does not just cover up the odor, it eliminates it by attacking the molecular structure of the urine. NI-712 will remove your cat urine problems.

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You can remove cat urine from your car seat by applying a product called D-Molish. D-Molish actually neutralizes the urine smell, it will be totally gone!

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To remove an oil stain from a garage floor place a thick layer of cat litter over the stain. Let the cat litter sit overnight and then sweep it up. If the stain is still there repeat the process for several days. Spraying WD-40 on the stain and then scrubbing with a stiff brush may help to remove the oil.

What can one do for the removal of strong cat odor in carpets?

To remove the strong odor of cat urine from carpets, one can use baking soda and enzymatic cleaner. One could also use a pet odor neutralizer, a stain remover, and a wet vacuum. If the stain or odor is bad enough, one might also have to replace the padding under the carpet.

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The best cleaners for cat urine are those found at a pet store. What you need is to use one that reacts chemically to the enzymes and removes the order. Using a product that is a specialized stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner, such as "Outright Pet Stain Eliminator," "Pet 'Oops' Remover," or "Stain Gobbler".

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To remove a gas stain from asphalt, first cover the stain with cat litter and let it set for several hours. Next, sweep off and dispose of the cat litter. Now, combine one gallon of water and trisodium phosphate and use a brush to scrub the mixture into the stain. Rinse with water and the stain should be gone.