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to conserve heat.

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Q: Is there a reason why cows huddle in certain groups?
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Do Hindu's bury cows?

The short answer: no, not in general. It happens in certain regions, by certain population groups. But usually dead cows that are not claimed by an owner are brought to a special dump where they rot and are sometimes eaten by vultures.Sometimes they are also taken to an abattoir where they are cremated.

Why do cows huddle up when it rains?

They know some nasty weather is going to be coming in and they don't want to be caught out in it.

Is hippopotamus solitary animal?

No. Usually, hippos live in family groups, usually a single mature bull with several cows and calves. It's actually closer to hippos being polygamists, like certain sects of Mormons. If you want to draw a human parallel.

Why did people paint there cows black in World War 2?

the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo the reason people painted their cows black in world war 2 was because during the blackout, you had to hide your cows. moo

What insect keeps cows the necctar they give?

No insect keeps cows for the "nectar" they give. Cows don't give nectar, they give milk.

Do bulls live in groups or live alone?

Cows, calves and yearlings live in loose herds or groups. Bulls on the other hand, live in bachelor groups or alone.

Do cows hunt in groups or alone?

A dove is a small bird. Doves do not "hunt in packs" they walk on the ground lin small groups ooking for seeds and insects.

What might be the reason that a part of southern Africa is mostly protestant?

cows are poo

Why do cows lie under trees is there a reason?

well its kide of obiouse its for shade:P

Do you Use Cows Milk And Goats Milk The Same?

pretty much yeah, cows milk would taste nicer in certain things though

Are cows travelers?

They can be if you give them a reason to, i.e. water, salt/mineral sources, etc.

Why would cows eat wood or paper?

The only reason cows would eat paper is curiosity. But the reason cows would eat/chew on wood is because they are most likely deficient in a specific mineral, particularly phosphorus. To stop them from eating wood, find some way of giving them more P in their diet.