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Yes, it is the Franciscan Crown or Seraphic rosary, below is the history and how to pray it (also, see link below the answer box):


The Franciscan Crown is a special Rosary consisting of seven decades. It is also known as the Seraphic Rosary. In the early fifteenth century, a young man with a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary used to weave a crown of wildflowers to place on a beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother. When this young man decided to enter the Franciscan Order, he was saddened that, as a novice, he no longer would be able to go out and gather the flowers required for his personal devotion. He even thought about leaving the order. One evening, while he was having these thoughts, the Blessed Mother appeared to him in a vision. She encouraged him to remain in his new vocation, and reminded him of the joyfulness of the Franciscan spirit.

She explained to him that he could still weave a crown for her, only it would be a crown of prayers, instead of flowers. This would be even more pleasing to her than a crown of wildflowers. She told him that he should meditate on seven joyful events in her life, and that this would be a new form of Rosary. The young novice began to pray in this manner, other Franciscans followed him, and in 1422, the Crown Rosary was established as an official prayer of the Franciscan Order. It is used by all three of the Franciscan Orders (first order, second order, and third order regular and secular).

The Mysteries

As with the Dominican Rosary, the Franciscan Crown is prayed while meditating on special events in the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the case of the Franciscan Crown, the mysteries used are the Seven Joys of Mary.

The First Joy: The Annunciation - The angel Gabriel visits Mary to announce to her that she is to conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear a son, Jesus, who will become the Savior of the world.

The Second Joy: The Visitation - Mary goes to the hill country to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who is also with child.

The Third Joy: The Nativity - Jesus is born


The Fourth Joy: The Adoration by the Magi - The Wise Men, recognizing that the newborn Jesus is the long-awaited Savior, come from the East to do Him homage.

The Fifth Joy: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple - After three days of frantic searching, Mary and Joseph find the young Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem.

The Sixth Joy: The Resurrection - Jesus is raised from the dead.

The Seventh Joy: The Assumption and Coronation - Mary is assumed into Heaven, body and soul. She is crowned Queen of Heaven.

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Q: Is there a rosary with seven decades?
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How many decades are actually in the rosary?

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What is praying the Rosary?

Praying the rosary is a necklace type thing with many beads on it. there are 5 decades. every decade symbolizes one of the mysteries. the rosary is meant to be prayed to Mary the mother of God.

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The Rosary typically consists of 20 decades, with a prayer for each bead on the rosary. Each decade includes the Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, and a Glory Be, usually taking about 1-2 pages to recite.

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Seraphic (the word) refers to the Seraphs, the highest order of Angels, those who are nearest God. In Hebrew, they are referred to as "the burning ones". In the Franciscan Order, the word Seraphic is used in several contexts, primarily in their Mass association, where people can send in Mass stipends to support the Franciscan missions. It is also used to refer to the Franciscan rosary rosary of seven decades for the rosary of the seven joys of Mary. There is also an Order of sisters of the Franciscan Order who are called Seraphic Franciscan Sisters. See links below.

What comes in group of tens?

Bowling pins dimes (dollar) years (decade) rosary beads (also decades)

HOW MAny centuries and decades are there in 784 years?

seven centuries 78 decades

How many stones are on a rosary?

A rosary may have stones, beads, or knots. Basically anything that you can use to keep track of your prayers and meditations. A decade is one Our Father, and ten Hail Mary's. The rosary that most people have in their pockets are actually just 1/4 of the entire rosary, so they have five decades for 55 beads. The little string on the end has a Crucifix, one Our Father bead, and 3 Hail Mary beads so the normal rosary would have 59 beads.

What do you call a set of 10 Hail Marys?

A set of ten Hail Marys is called as a Decade. These 5 decades are recited with the five mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

How many months are in seven decades?

840 months

What represents 75 years?

Seven and a half decades.

Should you capitalize Rosary in rosary beads?

No, there is no capitalize when referring to rosary beads. You may choose to capitalize when referring to set of prayers called the Rosary, but not for rosary beads.