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Q: Is there a sense of musicality in the selection anatomy of a filipino?
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How is a poem written?

you should have the manner of appreciation and understanding. sound,sense,musicality and sense is also important.

What can you say about I am a Filipino?

"I am a Filipino" conveys a sense of pride and identity with the Filipino culture and heritage. It reflects a connection to one's roots and a sense of belonging to the Philippines.

Sample piece of the anatomy of a Filipino?

The anatomy of a Filipino typically includes a blend of different ethnic influences, such as Austronesian, Malay, Chinese, Spanish, and American. Physically, Filipinos often display features reflecting this mix, including varied skin tones, eye shapes, and hair textures. Culturally, they may exhibit a strong sense of community, resilience, and adaptability shaped by their diverse history and experiences.

Why did Michelangelo have a better sense of anatomy than the Ancient Greeks?

I find it natural that anatomy would have improved in the 2000 years separating MIchelangelo from Ancient Greece.

What is a Filipino character?

A Filipino character typically refers to someone who is from the Philippines or of Filipino descent. Filipino characters are often depicted as highly family-oriented, resilient, hospitable, and culturally diverse. They may also exhibit a strong sense of community and connection to their heritage.

What are the characteristic of Filipino adolescence what are the characteristic of Filipino adolescence?

Filipino adolescence typically exhibit strong family ties, respect for authority, and a sense of collectivism or communal orientation. They may also experience a deep sense of cultural identity and pride, as well as navigate challenges related to academic pressure, peers, and societal expectations.

How is Edgar allan poe's poetry musical and metrical?

Edgar Allan Poe's poetry is musical and metrical due to his use of rhyme, rhythm, and repetition, which create a lyrical quality in his work. Poe employed techniques such as alliteration, assonance, and meter to create a sense of musicality in his verses, enhancing the emotional impact of his poetry. His meticulous attention to sound and structure contributes to the overall musicality of his works.

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What instrument a conductor of a symphony use?

A baton? His/her musicality and common sense?

How do use rhyme in a sentence?

Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds at the end of words in a sentence, such as "cat" and "hat." It can be used to create a sense of musicality and rhythm in writing.

What is prestigious in Filipino?

In Filipino, the term "marangal" is often used to refer to something prestigious or honorable. This word conveys a sense of respectability and excellence.

What are the Filipino traits influenced by the Arabs?

Some Filipino traits influenced by Arabs include a strong sense of hospitality, respect for elders, and a deep sense of family ties. Additionally, concepts of modesty and a strong work ethic are also influenced by Arab culture.