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Yes. Between Islamic and Christian, between different Islamic factions (Shiite, Sunni, etc.), between fundamentalists and not-so-much-so. Members of the Baha'i Faith, the largest religious minority in Iran, are the most persecuted.

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Yes. If anyone goes up against the government over there, they are separated by the religion.

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Q: Is there a separation between religion and government in Iran?
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The Vatican, by its nature and purpose, has no separation of state and religion. In Iran there is minimal separation of state and religion, with the secular government allowed operational freedom within narrow limits, but always subject to control and veto by the religious authorities.

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There is no king of Iran. There is the spiritual leader, called the Ayatollah. Since Iran is a theocracy they follow a religion, as their government. The current Ayatollah of Iran is Ali Khamenei.

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Unlike Iran, a single individual has most of the power in Saudi Arabia.

What is Iran's religion?

The majority religion in Iran is Shi'ite Islam.

What does separation of religion and state mean?

Separation of religion and state means that there is no official state religion and that government decisions are not based on religious beliefs. It ensures that people are free to practice any religion or no religion without interference from the government.

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The term that best describes a government based on religion is called a Theocracy (Theo meaning God).

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Iran has a government similar to the democratic republic of the United States. The government in Turkey is based on separation of powers. Indian government is a secular democratic republic and Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.

Can the government favor one religion over another?

Yes for example in Iran you must follow Muslim religious rules even if you are another religion.

When will government limit freedom of religion?

That is currently happening. Several governments limit the freedom of religion. As an example, in Iran, if you change your religion (from Muslim to something else) you can get executed for "apostasy".

Is Christianity illegal in Iran?

The government allows several specific churches, but conversion from Islam to another religion is prohibited.

What problems could arise if the government favored one religion over others?

Present day Iran. Read the news!

How does religion affects the government in lran?

In Iran, the government is heavily influenced by Shia Islam, which is the official state religion. This influence is manifested through the constitution, legal system, and policies of the government. Clerics hold significant power and play a role in decision-making processes.