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Q: Is there a shortcut on the ark on Halo 3?
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What does the ark do in Halo 3?

The Ark controls all halos to destroy our galaxy.

What is the ark in halo?

The ark was shown in halo 3 where you could see that the prophet of truth tried to dig up the ark was somenthing that could activate all of the halos at once

How do you play Halo 3 really good?

Play The Ark, The Covinent, & Halo over and over to get really good

Did humanity win in Halo 3?

Yes, but in the next Halo the Covanant tries once more to get The Ark of the Covanant in Halo 4: The Beggining of the End

What hppeed to the ark in halo?

The ark was severley damaged. the newly constructed halo was completely destroyed. Other then that, no one knows.

What is the song at the start of Halo 3's the Ark?

'Kay, it's called Farthest Outpost.

What is halo 3 about?

Halo 3 is about the profit of truth trying to activate the halo rings, and saving cortana the pillar of auttum's ai from the floods leader the gravemind which is in the prophets holy city high charity. The ark where there was a portal in where newmombasa used to be in halo3 odst but later the covenant found what they where looking for and yes halo 3 osdt is in the middle of halo 3 and halo2s timline as it is in halo offical websites timeline.

What is the planet in the last scene of Halo 3?

First of all its a ring...and that's why it doesnt have a name... Its the halo that was created at The Ark and Gravemind was using it to rebuild himself but cortana made it go boom

Easy Halo 3 terminals?

3 each on the ark and on the covenant...1 in get credit, press a as many times as you can, wait for it to lock up, and keep waiting...then when 2nd message comes up press a to end of that, then exit with b.

How do you get the flight armor in Halo 3?

Well there is flightshoulders,body,and head.And you get them by: body: complete "Travo Highway" on either heroic or legendary. Shoulders: complete "The Ark" on either heroic or legendary. Head: complete Halo 3 on heroic or legendary.

What is the seventh mission on halo3?

The 7th mission of Halo 3 is technically the Ark, but the 7th playable mission and the one most commonly referred to is the Covenant.

How do you glitch the level the ark Halo 3?

by jumping off the platform on to the plasma bridge where the tanks and cars are with the Oracle. you have to activate the bridge or it won't work.