

Is there a sim's safari animals game?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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11y ago

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do they have eland in sim safari

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Q: Is there a sim's safari animals game?
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Is there any other sims game for wii?

there is my sims kingdom, My sims, Sims party, sims 3, sims 2 castaway, sim animals, sim 2 pets, sim animals africa and that is all i could find

Where can you download the game sims safari for free or play it online for free or a game very similar?

Unfourtunatley there is no such thing as Sims Online because The Sims requires a download and in order to download it you'd have to purchase it from a store because it also requires a CD & a bar code.

What is the safari big 5?

If you are talking about "What does Safari Big 5 mean", then it means the five animals that people on safari or game hunts in Africa most want to see. If you are talking about "What are the animals that make up the Safari Big 5", then I think it's, Lions, Hippopotamus, Giraffes, Rhinoceros, and Elephants. I hope this helped.

What kind of animals are in the safari game in nabooti island?

A Lion, giraffe, bird, elephant, zebra, snake

Is there a game like sims?

there is it is called "zoo tycoon" same thing only with animals.

What does a safari have?


How do you use the digital camera on Nabooti Island?

The camera takes digital photos of the animals on Safari. It can zoom in and out, and pan to the left and right. Getting good pictures of the 7 animals is the goal of the Safari game. (see the related questions)

Why do people go on safari?

People go on a safari to see all the animals that safari provides

How many animals does the river safari have?

A "safari" is a journey. It does not therefore "have" animals. However, if you are lucky you may see some animals while making your journey.

What was the first your sims game?

My first Sims game was the original Sims and then I got Sims Makin' Magic.

What was the Kenya safari like and what animals do they have?

animals are gr8 and really enojoyind

What people study safari animals?

The people that study farm animals.