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Q: Is there a smaller statue of libaty in France?
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Does France have a copy of the Statue of Liberty?

Yes, they have a smaller scale version of the Statue of Liberty.

What was the Statue of Liberty a gift to?

it was a gift from the french to the americans in honor of their freedom their is a smaller one in france also

When did America give France the Statue of Liberty?

The statue arrived in 1885 in pieces and it was built and stationary in 1886.

What is the name of the island that has the statue of libaty planted on it?

The name of the island was formerly Bedloe's Island. At the start of the 20th century, people called it Liberty Island. In 1956, the official name became 'Liberty Island'.

Which country give the statue of liberty to the US as a gift?


What are five major tourist sites in France?

Eiffel tower louvre smaller statue of liberty moulin rouge Disney land

Famous monument from France to US?

The statue of liberty- look it up if you need more info. There is also a smaller version in Paris.

The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by which county?

The statue of liberty was giving to the US by France.

Why does France have a copy of the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty was donated to us by France in recognition of our Friendship.

What do the Statue of Liberty and croissants have in common?

France. The french gave the statue to new york

Who gifted US with Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty was given by France to the USA.

What is second in size to the Statue of Liberty?

The Smaller Statue of Liberty in Vegas