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YES. Very occasionally ovulation bleeding or Mittelmerz is seen as a slight bleeding through Vagina.(Slight Spotting.)

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Q: Is there a such thing as ovalution bleeding?
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What is the Ovalution?

Ovulation is the time of the month when a women discharges an ova or ovules from the ovary.

Cut in your mouth that has been bleeding does drinking alcohol increase the bleeding?

it may not, but it certainly is not the best thing for it.

If you had implantation bleeding then had heavier bleeding day after?

i am having the same thing. tell me if you find anything out and i hope someone will answer this!

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yes very bad its a fatal thing and can kill

Why is my prgnant cat bleeding?

bleeding in the course of pregnancy is not a normal thing I think probably your cat has aborted its embryos contact to veterinary doctor immediately .

Can you die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water?

No, you cannot die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water. The only bad thing about putting a bleeding cut under hot water is that it expands the vessels and will not stop the bleeding. Luke warm water or cold water is the best for a bleeding cut.

Light bleeding a week after your period?

It's is normal, although rare. No thing to worry about.

Is female bleed more when she fall in love?

Not in my experience. The only thing that changes my bleeding is my weight.

Is it possible to get implantation cramping without bleeding?

Period type cramping around the time a period would come is quite common, implantation bleeding is less common, so the answer is yes. answer There's no such thing as implantation cramping you can only get that if you ae bleeding as well

I have been on the Depo-Provera for 2 years now and haven't had any bleeding except for some spotting and the last 5 days i have been bleeding A LOT should I get a D and C?

The thing you should do is go to the doctor and let him examine you to find out why you are bleeding. Then you can discuss treatments.

What can you do for a boxer that is spayed whos nipples are turning black and bleeding?

A dog having black and bleeding nipples is not a normal thing, and so a visit to a veterinarian for an evaluation would be the most prudent course of action.