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A dog having black and bleeding nipples is not a normal thing, and so a visit to a veterinarian for an evaluation would be the most prudent course of action.

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Q: What can you do for a boxer that is spayed whos nipples are turning black and bleeding?
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Your female dogs nipples are turning black and has black patches on skin?

If your female dog's nipples are turning black and she has black patches on her skin, this may be normal for her specific breed. If it is not, she may have Black Skin Disease, also known as Alopecia X.

Why would a spayed female dog's nipples dry up when she has not been sick leaving her with little black dots instead of the nipples?

Because she was sick and couldn't feed her pups her milk dried up. It's important that you take your dog into the vets and have her nipples checked out to be sure there is no disease or that the dog isn't in pain. Marcy

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No its not normal,my chihuahua had this when she was pregnant and the vet said to bring her in if it starts to turn black so please call your vet and make an appointment

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If shes mixed with white and black then black

Why are some nipples darker than others?

Black women don't 'have' their nipples black. Your wording this as if if we're a choice. The nipples on any person of color wether light skinned or dark skinned will always be darker than most of their skin tone.

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It has to be Black. Don't you know? All Nipples are Black. Have you not seen any in your life until now? Still a Virgin?

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Intestinal bleeding may happen if someone has bleeding in their intestines. It can also happen in the stomach, which then causes black stool at times.

What does it mean when your pooh is black?

It means there is bleeding in upper gastrointestinal tract such as bleeding from dudenal ulcer. Medical Terminology for Black stools is malena.