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the only test that can confirm diagnose of cancer/tumor is biopsy of the tumor cell/cancer cells. ___________ Prior to invasive surgery such as biopsy, a responsible doctor will prescribe blood tests which isolate tumour indicators; Ca125 is one of these markers, but there are others which should be carried out before any surgery is performed. Your GP can arrange this. These tests will generally indicate the presence of cancer in any part of your body and your GP's recommendation will alert a specialist to areas where a biopsy might be appropriate. ___________

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Q: Is there a test that can diagnose cancer in any part of your body?
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If you are asking if your blood can get cancer then No. Cancer cannot be found in blood although it can move into the bloodstream through certain forms of cancer i.e stomach cancer. Cancer is usually in the form of a tumor therefore it has to be on a part of the body.

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A pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It does not diagnose cancer. It points out which patients need further testing, typically colposcopy and biopsy, to check for cancer.

What's prostate PSA and what does it mean?

Prostate PSA is a test for prostate cancer. It looks for a specific antigen that is used to diagnose prostate cancer. It is highly recommended that you get this once a year.

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What type of cancer does a pap smear test for?

A pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It can't diagnose cancer, but can determine which women need further testing. Occasionally, the pap smear can happen to find signs of endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterine lining), but a normal test doesn't eliminate the possibility of endometrial cancer. The Pap smear process can also check for cancer of the vagina or anal cancer, but it is used for those purposes only in specific circumstances. A pap smear does not check for ovarian cancer.

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physical examination blood tests computed tomagraphy (CT) scan ultrasound test

How does a person know if a PSA offers useful information?

The PSA test is a test to diagnose prostate cancer in men. It measures the blood level of PSA, a protein that is produced by the prostate gland. If the PSA level is high, the person is more likely to have prostate cancer.