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There are many ways to find out your blood type. You can donate blood at the many blood centers or even more conveinantly you can buy a home test for as little as $9.99 over the internet.

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Q: Is there a test to find out one's blood type?
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How should I find out what blood type I am?

If you want to find out what blood type you are, you can get a blood test from your doctor or local clinic. Its a quick and easy test and you will have the results within a few days.

What type of test is performed on donated blood?

One of the test performed on donated blood is the APA test which is used find out if the blood is clean and healthy

How can I test for my blood type at home?

If you would like to know your blood type, but would rather not go to the doctor to find out, you can purchase an at home blood type test from the internet. The Instant Blood Type Test Kit from EldonCard is one choice of at home tests.

How do I find my own blood type?

To find your blood type, visit your Primary Care Physician or local Health Care facility. Ask for a blood test to determine your blood type. Specify this as it is a particular test and not run typically when annual physical panels are run.

Is there a home blood type test that I can take?

"Eat Right 4 Your Type" carries a home blood type test. It contains all you will need to perform a blood type test. It also carries a blood type card that can serve as a record of your blood type to carry with you in case of emergency.

How can I find out what blood type I am?

In order to find our blood type you should visit your nearest blood center or doctors office. The doctors office should be able to get this information from your files. If they are unable to get this information they can do a blood test to determine your blood type.

How do I find out what type blood I have?

You can go to your family doctor and he can give you a blood test to determine your blood type. There are also at home tests you can buy. And if you go to donate blood they will tell you your blood type.

How can I check my blood type?

Go to a hospital, or a local clinic and you could request that they test your blood type. Another way to find out your blood type would be to find a blood drive and actually donate blood. Most blood drives would give you an option to get your information about your blood, including you blood type.

What are different methods of finding out blood types?

A blood test is the main way to find out what clood type you are. Most doctors who draw blood for tests will ask if you would like to know your blood type. However, sometimes you may have to specifically request your blood type test.

how do i know if my blood type is ab posative?

To find out whether you have AB blood, you would have to ask your doctor to find out the type. He or she should be able to do this with a simple blood test, and I believe, it can be done in the office.

Are the blood type test kits easy to use on myself if I buy one?

You can use a blood type kit on yourself by using a strip to test the blood you have drawn. If you refer to Web MD you can find more information about reading the results of your test.

What would the best diet be for a negative blood type?

To figure out the best diet for your blood type, you would have to figure out what letter blood type you have not the negative or positive. To find out which blood type you have, you can go to Walgreens to purchase a blood test.