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In the newer pokemon games, the most commonly found togepis are owned by pokemon breeders. This class of trainer uses baby pokemon like clffa, budew, pichu, etc.

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Q: Is there a trainer with a togepi?
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How do you evlove togepi?

Togepi evolves only when it's loyal to it's trainer aka it needs to completely trust it's trainer.

Pokemon SoulSilver how to evolve to Togepi?

It needs max loyalty with its trainer you can evolve togepi in one level has long as its happiness with its trainer is at the max.

Which trainer have togetic?

none, you need to evolve togepi

How do you get togatic in Pokemon Pearl?

Togetic can only be obtained in Pokemon Pearl by evolving Togepi. Togepi evolves when it has a strong bond with the trainer.

What level does togefe evolve at?

Do you mean Togepi? Togepi is a Pokemon that evolves when it reaches maximum adoration of you. It basically evolves by love of the TRAINER.

What trainer has the evolved form of Togepi?

No one but if you want to get togetic just get togepi on five island and have it like you alot then level it up and its togetic.

Is there a trainer with a Togepi on Pokemon platinum?

No. But if you walk around with the Pokemon egg9 you should have got from Cynthia) it wil hatch to a togepi knowing charm and extrasensory.

When does togipe evolve?

Togepi can evolve at any level as long as it has max loyalty with its trainer.

Could Togepi elove at lv54?

no Acually it can.All it needs is full friendship with your trainer.

When will Togepi evolve in pokemon-heart of gold?

with friendship. togepi is an emotion pokemon, if the trainer is caring and heals it if there its psn.,prlz., ect. quickly that up's the friendship. if you want to be lazy, pump it with vitamins and train it alot. it will evolve roughly around 30-40.

What trainer has hapiny in Pokemon Platinum?

Sorry, but there's no Happiny egg in Platinum, as far as i know. It was replaced by a Togepi egg that you get off someone. Google it perhaps?

When does a egg hatch in Pokemon Platinum?

it depends on what Pokemon you put in the day care or what trainer you get it from like the egg you get at iron island is a riolu. and the one you get from the elite for person is a togepi