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I have the same gap and as a result I have to wear a full mouth of braces so that they can attach hooks to them which I attach thick rubber bands between the top and the bottom. I believe that the other alternative is a painful surgery.

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put crack on them

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Get Ventures seen it in jeremy Kyle

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Q: Is there a way to fill the gap between your molar teeth?
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My 1st molar on the bottom is missing can the back teeth be moved forward to fill that gap?

At times yes the back teeth will fill in a spot were a tooth is missing. Though it depends on the spacing and structure, ask a dentist to be sure.

How can you give yourself a gap between two molar teeth of about 1.2mm to get a barbell in between?

Dont do it, i have a nautral gap of that size and i hate it so dont do it, ull regret it

How can you fix multiple gaps between your teeth?

Go to your dentist. He can fix anything. If not then he can refer you to a cosmetic dentist. I have a gap in between my two front teeth and my dentist fixed it and it looks natural. Veneers are a great solution for tooth gaps.

How do fill the gap of broken teeth?

Get Ventures seen it in jeremy Kyle

Are there strips to fix a gap between my two front teeth?

They're called Teeth Gap Bands.You can get Teeth Gap Bands. It closed my gap in 3 weeks.

What is the gap between teeth of a herbivore called?

This is called the diastema. they are poo afhlsd gbvjbfasd,jvh

If you had a molar extracted will the empty space stay or will your teeth around it fill in the gap?

Assuming that there is no bacterial infection, and the normal healing process occurs, the space will eventually "disappear." What happens is that the bone supporting the tooth, or the tooth socket, will resorb. If it was the last molar in the arch, then you don't have anything to worry about, the teeth will not likely shift back into that space. The teeth tend to shift forward, so if there is a molar behind the empty space, it may "drift" and eventually fill in the space, at least to some degree. This is not desirable, and most people avoid this problem by getting a bridge, which replaces the lost tooth with a fake one (pontic). This fake tooth will be connected to and stabilized by the teeth adjacent to it.

What do people think of a girl with a gap between her front teeth?

I have a gap between my two front teeth and I've always been told it's ultracute! The hebrews believe that a gap between the top front teeth signifies wisdom. Either way, if you have a gap between your teeth, LOVE IT! It makes you who you are and if you ever decided to get it 'fixed,' I can almost guarantee you'll regret it later.

Can I have braces if my tooth had a gap between your teeth?

Yes, or a retainer to straighten your teeth out.

Do pallet expanders give you a gap between your two front teeth?

Yes, it depends how long you have to wear your expander, but the gap can become pretty large especially if you previously have/had a gap between your two front teeth. :(

Are the results of using teeth gap bands permanent?

it bring the teeth closer together

How do you fix a gap between your front teeth which is a bridge?

Get Braces.