

Is there a way to see if a child has ADHD?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Take the child to the doctor and ask the doctor to check it out for the child. It is really that easy instead of asking random people on the internet. But no really, take the kid to the doctor.

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Q: Is there a way to see if a child has ADHD?
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Does your child have ADHD?

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What are the symptoms of ADHD in a child?

Some symptoms of ADHD in a child include hyperactivity and trouble concentrating. Some children are thought to have a hot temper while they in fact have ADHD.

Can a child with ADHD have a normal education?

Absolutely! There are medications that can help children with ADHD focus in school such as aderol. Also, there are teachers and student aids that are specially trained to teach in a way that will engage students with ADHD. They can definitely have a normal education.

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No, ADHD is not considered a severe disability and thus does not qualify for additional child support amounts or government assistance.

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There is one way to concentrate longer. Go to the doctor and see if you have ADHD.

How does a child with ADHD act at 4?

There is no way to diagnose ADHD at 4 years old. Anything younger then 10 or so (experts disagree) is extremely likely to be diagnosed falsely, because kids under that age are naturally hyper if they have ADHD or not.

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Yes and no. For me (I'm ADHD) it does, some it makes hyper.

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When he was a child

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Do ADHD mom's have ADHD kids?

In some cases they do. There can be genetic reasons that contribute to ADHD. However, shared lifestyles can also be at the root of attention problems, including ADHD. A mother and her child will more than likely share a similar diet, similar recreation, television viewing habits, emotional states. All of that can influence ADHD. See Book - Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's Guidebook for information on the genetic and lifestyle balance of ADHD.

Would someone tell me the signs of adhd ?

ADHD is very unique from child to child, or even from adult to adult. Some of the main signs are inattentive,, hyperactive, impulsive and disruptive. Just as every person has a unique personality, ADHD can be unique from person to person. Besides the general list above, some children with ADHD will have trouble staying on task or staying focused, doesn't pay attention to details, frequently misplaces things, can appear to not be listening or forgets instructions quickly. If you are concerned your child may have some or most of these symptoms, it is best to call a child psychologist or Psychiatrist to see if ADHD is the reason for these symptoms.

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