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It is almost never the piercing procedure that is painful, unless it is an extreme piercing such as a mandible, clavical, chest or extreme genital piercing. To reduce pain after the procedure Ibuprofin or the like will reduce swelling and also help with pain. Aside from that you can't do much. Answer: Put it this way. I had mine done about 3 days ago and I was looking everywhere online for information about pain. There is nothing you can really do. People suggest in putting numbing cream on but I have know idea if that is true, it could cause infection I guess. But pay attention carefully now, I am the worse person when it comes to handling pain and it DOES NOT HURT!!! There was a little pinch that went so fast that I can hardly remember it. It hurts more afterwards. Mine didnt really hurt but I guess that it depends on how you want to look after it ok. You will be fine!!

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Q: Is there a way you can't feel the pain when you get your bellybutton pierced?
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Does getting your bellybutton pierced hurt?

I had my bellybutton pierced about 6 months ago and i can still remember how painful it was. I am not trying to put anybody off but it is the most painful piercing i have ever had and i am really high pain threshold.

Does it hurt when you get your bellybutton pierced?

Pain is a relative thing, piercing done by a professional body piercer is quick simple and next to painless.

Does bellybutton piercing hurt afterward?

For most people after having their stomach pierced it wont hurt. However, some people may experience some pain. While it may not hurt right after having your body pierced, there could be some pain later on. I personally recommend that you don't rub/ lay anything over the area where you have been pierced as this has the potential to cause even more pain.

Do they numb your bellybutton when you get it pierced?

Sadly no they dont although getting it peirced is quick and almst painless. I recently had my done they start by cleaning the equipment and your bellybutton and marking the area before starting. Then they have u lay down and put a needle through the mark, this feels like a quick pinch and then its over, although u may feel a bit sore afterwards theres little pain.

What does it feel like to get your ears peirced?

Getting your ears pierced is no biggy, trust me when I first got mine pierced I didn't feel a thing. The lady used a gun piercing thing that pierced my ears fast. It is fast and easy you barley feel a thing : ) the faster it is the less pain you feel.

Can you feel the needle going through your tongue when you are getting it pierced?

you might feel a certain pinch depending on how well you are familiar with piercings the pain comes afterwards.

What does it feel like getting your nose pierced with needle?

apparently its not painful, its just more intense like pressure but not sore or anything and is known for not being sore after getting it pierced but nearly all of them are to be honest i cant give you an honest answer but i found this out and i have had my nose pierced twice but with a gun but guns are known to be painful but the 1st time literally you couldn't feel a thing but the second time it was sore kind of hurt while getting it pierced as well and after when i went back home after getting it done but i love the piercing well worth it tongues more worse in pain as I've had it done probably the nose was the best piercing for not being in pain.

Which piercing hurts the most to least?

I've gotten my tongue, ears, nose and bellybutton and i'd say that my nose hurt the most by far but was still bearable and the least painful was tied between my ears and bellybutton because you really dont feel either. but you need to remember that pain is a relative thing so it depends on your pain tolerance.

How do you download cant be touched from iTunes?

It's not up there man... :( feel your pain

I really considering getting my tongue pierced but i am terrified about the pain what is it like getting it done?

They pierce tongues in the line running down the middle of them. There aren't any pain nerves in that line--so when you get your tongue pierced you won't feel very much if anything at all.

What does it feel like to get your ears pierced with a gun?

When you are having your ears pierced with a piercing gun there is a pinch like feeling. Some people think it feels the same as getting a shot. The pain is over in a second of time.

Does getting your cheeks pierced hurt?

No it does not, of course all piercings have a pinch but nothing seriously painful.