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Confederate General Xavier Blanchard Debray fought during the Civil War. His name begins with the letter X.

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Q: Is there a word starting with x about the Civil War other than xylophone?
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What is the plural of xylophone?

More than one xylophone is xylophones (or a nice start on a percussion section!)

What is a xylophone like percussion instrument of African Origin?

Marimba: This is a percussion instrument that is a lot like a xylophone. It's of African origin and is slightly mellower than the xylophone.Marimba: This is a percussion instrument that is a lot like a xylophone. It's of African origin and is slightly mellower than the xylophone.

What word other than Christmas starts with the letter x?

Lots of words - look in a dictionary. Examples would be xenophobia, xylophone, xray.

Is a mellophone and a xylophone the same intrument?

No, they are completely different. A mellophone is a brass instrument, a bit bigger than a trumpet. A xylophone is a percussion instruments. Its similar to a marimba.

What are some compound words that begin with the letter X other than xylophone and X-ray?

There are no compound words in the English language that begin with the letter x.

How was the Civil War like no other war?

The Civil War killed more people than any other war.

How does a xylophone make a quiet sound?

Don't hit it as hard, or use a softer mallet.

How many words do start with X?

no word really starts with x except for xylophone which is an instrument

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The income of a civil engineer can vary depending on the area. A civil engineer in New York will have a higher income than one in Iowa. Average yearly income for civil engineers in New York can be as much as $97,000 and in Iowa can be as much as $77,000.

Was the Civil war larger than the Vietnam war?

More Americans died in the Civil War (625,000) than in any other war in history. In fact, more died in the Civil War than in WWII (405,399), WWI (116,516), Vietnam (58,151) and Korea (36,516) COMBINED.