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There does not appear to be a cure for IBS. If developed young, some people can grow out of some of the symptoms. IBS is treated by dietary changes and sometimes medication. This will usually help substantially with your comfort. Good luck!

i agrea but want to add to what you've said since i know personaly ot never goes unfortunatly there isn't a cure the symptoms can change when you get older but are still there yyou can get medicines and tablets to help when it comes or try breathing techniques to clam you and not worry and its not nesaceraly treated by dietary changes sometimes certain foods make it happen or stress worrying excitment and worrying its going to happen if you try to take awat stress or find out what foods or activities corse it you can stop neating or doing them or don'tthink that it could happen when you do activities or take medicine befor you do.hope this helps i find the breathing techniques do for me

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Can be treated by eating a bland diet and avoiding non-soluble fiber foods. soluble fiber foods such as bananas, cooked broccoli,cooked Spinach are O.K. Avoid eating nuts, popcorn, or anything fibrous, fatty, or Spicy.

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No there is no easy treatment for irritable bowel. Certain foods may cause an irritable bowel to act up and cause discomfort over other foods. You will just have to determine what these foods are and avoid them.

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Q: Is there an easy treatment for irritable bowel syndrome?
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Short Bowel Syndrome: What is it?

Short bowel syndrome is a type of condition in which the small intestine is shorter than the average person's should be. This usually occurs when surgery has been operated in order to treat some other form of illness, though it is possible for a birth defect to cause this shorter bowel. No matter the cause, short bowel syndrome makes it impossible for a person to absorb the required nutrients by way of normal food consumption. Symptoms for the condition can be numerous. For example, the stool will typically have a very foul odor and be oily or sticky, and there is often excess and frequent fatigue as well. Additionally, the individual is usually malnourished and not able to keep a healthy weight on the scale, while the body is also retaining a higher amount of fluid than is considered to be normal. Finally, it is not uncommon to have recurring pain. The majority of the complications that a person with short bowel syndrome will suffer is due to the malnutrition of the required minerals and vitamins of food. Specifically, this includes not having the required amount of vitamins A, B12, D, E, as well as K, calcium, iron, folic acid, magnesium and zinc. In any person, short bowel syndrome or not, a deficiency in these vitamins can lead to a severe pain within the bones, anemia, muscle spasms and diminished health. Finally, there is also the complication of easy bruising and an absence of blood clotting upon injury. Oral and intravenous supplements are typically used to deal with the effects that short bowel syndrome present, allowing the affected individual to obtain the nutrients required to live. Beyond this, there are also prescription medications that allow relief of the pain and absence of energy that most individuals will experience. In addition to this, the person who is suffering from short bowel syndrome will also most likely have to maintain a specific diet that includes processed foods for easier nutrient absorption. This kind of diet will generally include foods that are very high in nutritional value, making it must easier for the body to fully process into its system.

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