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Of course not. People are people no matter what group they belong to, and we all breathe air. There are various groups of people who are sometimes called Sea Gypsies, mostly living in Asia and the South Pacific.

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Q: Is there an ethnic group called Sea Gypsies who can breathe under water?
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Gypsies (Romani)

What is the difference between Romanichal and Roma Gypsies?

Romanichal Gypsies are an ethnic group originally from the British Isles, while Roma Gypsies are a more widespread ethnic group originating from various regions in Europe. They have distinct cultural traditions, languages, and histories, but both groups are often referred to by the broader term "Gypsies."

Does Roma prefer to be called Gypsies?

No, it is not preferred to refer to the Roma people as "Gypsies" as it is considered a derogatory term stemming from stereotypes and historical discrimination. "Roma" or "Romani" is the preferred term to use when referring to this ethnic group.

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If you mean an ethnic group in Hungary, how about ethnic Hungarians, or Magyars? The largest minority are Germans, Roma (Gypsies) and Slovaks.Magyars is the answer if your doing A+

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Yes, there are male members of the Romani ethnic group, often referred to as "gypsies." The term "gypsy" is considered to be a derogatory and inaccurate term, so it is preferable to use Romani or Roma to refer to the ethnic group.

Do the roma prefer to be called Gypsies?

No, referring to the roma as "Gypsies" is generally considered derogatory and inaccurate. It is more respectful to use the term "roma" or "romani" to refer to this ethnic group.

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The Roma People

What do you call gypsies now days?

The term "Romani" or "Roma" is often used to refer to the ethnic group historically known as "gypsies." It is important to use these terms with sensitivity and respect for the culture and identity of the Romani people.

What race are gypsies?

The term "Gypsy" is a derogatory and outdated term used to describe the Romani people, an ethnic group with origins in South Asia. It is important to use the correct term "Romani" when referring to this ethnic group to avoid perpetuating stereotypes and misinformation.

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Vietnamese is its own ethnic group. Within Vietnam, the dominant ethnic group (which is externally called Vietnamese) is called Kinh (pronounced Kiñ).

What do los gitanos mean?

"Los gitanos" is a Spanish term that translates to "the gypsies" in English. It refers to the Roma people, a traditionally itinerant ethnic group with a distinct culture and history.