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The annual "flu shot"

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Q: Is there an example of a vaccine?
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The best example for attenuated-living vaccine is?

B.C.G Vaccine

What is an example of a vaccine?

DTaP IPV Vericella MMR

What is an example of a vaccine that works against more than one disease?

MMR vaccine is for preventing measles, mumps and Rubella.

What are the risks for not taking vaccines?

Every vaccine is designed to protect against some infectious disease. If you do not take the vaccine, you are more likely to become infected by that disease. If you do not get the polio vaccine, you are more likely to get polio, for example.

What is a example of Immunity's?

An example of active immunity is the oral polio vaccine because it's a live attenuated vaccine. It means that, weakened polio virus will be given to you so that your body can form antibodies from it and can fight the virus. If your body itself made the antibody from an antigen, it's an example of an active immunity.

Is vaccination protect human life?

Yes vaccine prevent human life as Vaccine are used to create immunity in the body to fight against germs which cause diseases. The best example of vaccination is smallpox vaccine which help in eludation of this disease completely from the earth

What are the effects of vaccine?

Any vaccine can cause side effects. For the most part these are minor (for example, a sore arm or low-grade fever) and go away within a few days. See the related link for side effects associated with each vaccine.

Is DNA vaccine a sub unit vaccine?

yes DNA vaccine is a type of subunit vaccine and is also knwon as recombinant vaccine

Is the cholera vaccine a killed vaccine?

Yes. The cholera vaccine is a killed vaccine.

How long to wait between flu vaccine and shingles vaccine?

interval- flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine

What is the meaning of pediatric vaccine?

the vaccine is given to children is a peadiatric vaccine.

What is a Sabin vaccine?

A Sabin vaccine is a polio vaccine, taken orally.