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Q: Is there an organization that will help you get a nebulizer machine?
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What is a Pari-trek Portable Nebulizer model No46B0000?

A Nebulizer is machine that helps people breath. What you have is a portable version of that machine. The manufacturers of that machine can give you more information

What does one do with a nebulizer machine?

A nebulizer machine is used for treating lung conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis and other respiratory conditions. The machine creates a mist which is inhaled from the machine via a tube and mask. The mist is the method by which the medication is delivered if appropriate.

How long should a patient stay on a nebulizer machine?

one day

When is an ultrasonic nebulizer necessary?

An ultrasonic nebulizer is akin to a compression machine and is used in the medical field. It is mainly neccessary for the administration of tombramycin for the treatment of people with Cystic Fibrosis. An individual would be assigned to a machine of this nature when a standard nebulizer has failed to keep the patient out of the emergency room and when as stronger and more intense course of treatment is required.

How do you Treating asthma in pediatric populations?

usually with a nebulizer machine 0.8ml of albuteral mixed with normal saline .

What is medimist inhalation?

I am going to presume that you mean a MediMist Nebulizer. This is a machine used to administer medication to people in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs. It is commonly used in treating cystic fibrosis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.

What is a Nebulizer and how to use it?

A nebulizer is a piece of medical equipment that a person with asthma or another respiratory condition can use to administer medication directly and quickly to the lungs. A nebulizer turns liquid medicine into a very fine mist that a person can inhale through a nebulizer mask or mouthpiece. Doctors typically prescribe nebulizers to people with lung disorders like asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis. In general, a nebulizer is very easy to use, with only a few basic steps: Wash the hands. Add the medicine to the medicine cup, according to the doctor’s prescription. Assemble the top piece, tubing, mask, and mouthpiece. Attach the tubing to the machine, according to the instructions. Turn the nebulizer on; they can be battery- or electrically powered. While using the nebulizer, hold the mouthpiece and medicine cup upright to help deliver all the medication. Take slow, deep breaths through the mouthpiece and inhale all the medicine. It is advisable to speak with the doctor or call the manufacturer with any questions or concerns about the device.

What natural product can i put in my nebulizer?

what medicine will i put in the nebulizer

How is a nebulizer used to clear a cats nasal passages?

A nebulizer is a machine that takes liquid medication or just distilled water and creates a vapor out of it. This vapor is then directed to the cat's nose and is generally inhaled by the cat. This can help to clear out a cat's nasal passages by rehydrating the membranes and the exudate that has crusted over them - when the exudate becomes more liquid the cat can sneeze the goo out and clear the passages.

Which organization created the Wayback Machine?

The Wayback Machine is created by a non-profit organization Internet Archive. This organization is based in San Francisco, California. The Wayback Machine is a digital time capsule.

Who invented the nebulizer?

The first nebulizer was developed by a French inventor named Dr. Sales-Girons in 1858. The nebulizer had a pedal that acted in a similar way to a bicycle pump.

How does a nebulizer help person with asthma?

A Nebulizer works to administer medication into an individuals lungs through normal breathing. In the case of an individual with Asthma the Bronchioles become inflammed and the individual is unable to effectively draw breath, or respirate. The Nebulizer allows normal breath action to administer medication.