

Is there another way to create nuclear energy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The only usable way at present is in a nuclear reactor using a fission chain reaction, involving uranium fuel.

In the future it is hoped to use nuclear fusion, but this is a long way off and many scientific and engineering problems have not been solved.

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Q: Is there another way to create nuclear energy?
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What type of energy does a nuclear power plant create?

nuclear energy?It should be any way~(=w=)

In what way do countries use nuclear energy?

to create electrity

Does Nuclear power plants on Earth create energy in the same way as the Sun?

No, nuclear power plants get their energy from fissionof the heavy element uranium, the sun gets its energy from fusion of the light element hydrogen.

What is actually mean by nuclear energy?

Just another way of producing regular electricity.

How is electricity created by nuclear energy?

There are several way to create electricity from nuclear energy. The most common way is to generate heat from the controlled fission of 235U, releasing binding energy, using that to heat water to steam, and using the steam to spin turbines that drive generators.

Where does nuclear energy come from?

it comes from nuclear fissionNuclear energy is the fission of certain, materials such as uranium or plutonium,within a nuclear reactor. This produces heat, which turns water into steam. This steam rises, driving a turbine which creates electricity for commercial and public use.

Why is the atomic reactor important today?

Nuclear or atomic reactors are a way to create electrical energy. If they are run properly, they do not pollute the air like coal plants.

Can you make energy from nothing only using gravity?

No It is impossable to create energy or matter from nothing. The only way to create new energy is by converting mass (matter) to energy, an example of this is nuclear fission. In nuclear fission an atom (normally putonium) is split in half creating an least 2 new elements, but not all of the mass form the original element still remains mass. A small amount of this mass is converted into energy.

In what way is nuclear energy useful?

In producing electricity

Where is the nuclear energy used the most and why?

The USA uses the most nuclear energy. There is the highest number of Nuclear Power Plants in the world. The reason is simple: USA needs energy and the easiest way to get it is building nuclear power plants.

How can you produce energy in future by nuclear power plant if there is no source?

The source of nuclear power is the nucleus of an atom; any atom. As long as there is mass in the universe there will be a source of nuclear power. Even if in the future we run out of the radioactive material we currently use to fuel nuclear power plants, it would be foolish to assume that we will never again be able to harness nuclear energy in another way.

Why nuclear power is not the best way?

Bcoz production of nuclear energy form harmful radioactive elements.