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Q: Is there any antihistamines in Advil?
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Related questions

Could Advil affect antihistamine?

No, Advil (ibuprofen) does not affect antihistamines. Advil inhibits the cyclo-oxidase enzymes to reduce inflammation and pain. Anti-histamines block histamine receptors and so decrease allergies. The two are unrelated.

What is a good Advil for 14 year olds. can they take any Advil?

Yes, but take the minimum dosage.

Is there caffeine in Advil migraine?

No it does not have any caffeine in it.

Is there any contraindication between Advil and Singulair?


Is Advil banned in the UK?

Advil is a product name - for Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is available 'over the counter' at any UK chemist.

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Can you mix thyroxine and antihistamines?

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Does Advil have any warnings?

read the warning signs on the bottle

What is the effect of antihistamines?

Antihistamines are chemicals that block the effect of histamine, in varying ways. Most antihistamines act on the H1 receptor. Physiologically, antihistamines stop the histamine reaction, and may also induce drowsiness.

Can Advil pm be taken without pain?

I highly don't recommend it because if you keep taking unnecessary Advil or any other paid med. you will develop an ulcer.

Can acetaminophen or antihistamines cure chlamydia?

Antihistamines and acetaminophen will not cure chlamydia. You need antibiotics.

What are alterntives to antihistamines?

antihistamines: vitamin C and the bioflavonoid hesperidin act as natural anithistamines.