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Yes the platypus

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Q: Is there any aquatic animal which lays eggs and carries it along with them?
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What is the aquatic animal whose eggs are laid by the male?

A seahorse.

What a animal that is different then the others?

The platypus because it's the only animal that lays eggs and the only one with a beaver tail and a duck bill that is a semi aquatic mammal.

Are frogs born in ponds?

Yes. Frogs lay their eggs in stagnant or still water. The eggs hatch into a little aquatic animal called a tadpole that slowly developes into an adult frog.

Do camions lay eggs?

A Caiman is a semi-aquatic reptile that lay eggs.

What animal carries its eggs in its mouth?

The male of the frog called Darwin's frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) hatches the female's eggs in the vocal sac of its throat. He swallows them after guarding them from predators for about three weeks. The tadpoles are never aquatic swimmers as in other frogs, but live in the sac for three days - they feed off their egg yolks and secretions of the male frog. He regurgitates them just before their metamorphosis into frogs.

Which group has four extraembryonic membranes aquatic animals or land animals?

The answer to this is not based on where the animal lives but on the type of animal. Animals that lay eggs have fewer extraembryonic membranes than placental mammals...there are mammals in the ocean as well as on land.

Who carries sea dragon eggs?

The male does. The female lays the eggs in a "brood" pouch inside the male's tale and th male carries the eggs from 4-6 weeks

Does A Caiman Lay Eggs?

A Caiman (Scientific name Caimaninae) is a semi-aquatic reptile and lays eggs.

What animals has air bubble?

OK, not an aquatic animal, but...When damselfly's go under the water's surface to lay eggs, they trap an air bubble around them to breathe.

Function of swimmeret?

Carries eggs in crustaceans

What male fish carries the eggs?

Seahorses do

What are the features of a platapus?

Apart from its looks, it is an aquatic mammal that lays eggs!