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Q: Is there any construction on Interstate 64 from Cinncinnati Oh to St. Louis Mo?
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Why a state cannot approve for a construction job on an interstate highway?

The Interstate highway system in US was initiated under President Eisenhower and was designed and funded by the US government and built to specific requirements. I assume any construction that would include repairs would have to be approved by the US Transportation Department.

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Interstate cooperation is any power not granted to the federal government.

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No, biking on any interstate is not allowed (At least in Utah.)

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Alaska is the only state without any formal Interstate roads.

Which state has no interstate highways?

Utah and Missouri. Actually, there are 5 Interstate highways in Utah and 17 in Missouri. The only state without any Interstate highways is Alaska.

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Any even numbered Interstate Highway in America runs east and west. In Oklahoma, that would be I40, and I44.

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