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Q: Is there any difference in the nutritional value of fertilized eggs?
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Is there a difference between the nutritional value of fertilized and unfertilized eggs?

Hens will lay eggs regularly without the necessity for fertilization. The only difference between a fertilized and unfertilized egg is that a fertilized egg has the potential to hatch and become a chick, while the other does not. Several prominent institutions have conducted studies comparing the nutritional values of fertilized eggs to unfertilized eggs. The result was that both kinds of eggs are nutritionally the same.

What is the difference betwen the nutritional value of fertilised and unfertilised eggs?

There is no difference. All eggs that go to your store are fertilized anyway, there's no way that a hen could or would lay an unfertilized egg.

Is there any different in the nutritional value of the fertilized egg and unfertilized eggs?

There is no nutritional difference between a fertilized and an unfertilized egg. People prefer to eat unfertilized commercial layer eggs, so they don't feel like they are eating the next generation. Also a fertilized egg does not have as long of a shelf life as the unfertilized one does.

Is there any difference in the nutritional value of unfertilized and fertilized eggs?

there is no difference in nutritional value between fertilised and unfertilesd eggs. the nutritional difference in eggs comes from how the chickens live,such as commercil chickensl in wire cages(known as battery hens) versus free range chickens that run round eating bugs and grass etc.sorta like a free range gets fruit and vegies where battery hens dont

Is there any difference in the nutrition value of unfirtilized and firtilized eggs?

The difference is so minute that there is essentially no difference. The "rumor" that fertilized eggs are lower in cholesterol than unfertilized eggs is untrue.

Difference in nutritional value of fertilized and unfertilized eggs?

In fertilized eggs have less nutritional value because the fertilized egg needed nutrition for its young ones So it good to have unfertilized egg because it has more nutrition's than fertilized eggs.

Are white eggs fataning?

Why eggs have the same nutritional value as brown and pastel eggs.

What is the difference between fertilized and embryonated eggs?

Lol none

Do fertilized eggs taste the same as non fertilized eggs?

Yes - the only difference in a very few cells amongst many, many millions.

Is it all right to eat chicken eggs even though there is a rooster with them?

There is no nutritional difference between a non fertilized egg and a fertile egg. You will not see a difference either as the germinal disk is so small it is almost invisible. Most farms with small flocks have a rooster among the hens and they sell the freshest eggs you will ever eat.

Are unfertlized chicken eggs good to eat?

Yes, of course they are! In fact, ALL the eggs you buy in the grocery store are unfertilized. The only difference between fertilized and non-fertilized eggs is the tiny drop of sperm. It adds an infinitesimal amount of protein. BIG on the downside: fertilized eggs go bad quicker.

What is the difference fraternal and identical twins?

Identical twins come from the same fertilized egg; fraternal twins come from 2 fertilized eggs.