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Q: Is there any evidence that dragons ever existed?
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Has any dragon been found in Australia?

No. Whether or not one believes that dragons once existed, no evidence of any dragons has ever been found in Australia. The only "dragons" are dragon lizards of the family agamidae.

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There is no evidence that unicorns have ever existed.

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There is no evidence that such a person ever existed. There is no evidence that he was significant in any country in America. Perhaps you should research the identity.

Do you still have dragons?

No, I don't still have dragons... in fact, I've never had any dragons! Also, no one has EVER had any dragons...

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Not only is there no evidence that the Muslims captured the Ark of the Covenant, there is no evidence that it ever even existed. The Muslims could not capture something that seems to have only been a myth.

Any chance there are dinosaurs or dragons somewhere deep in the ocean?

yes, there may be some type of prehistoric creature in an unexplored part of the ocean but nobody has ever found any evidence to prove that this is true.

Were there ever any nice dragons?

I think a better question would be, were there ever dragons, in general. Annnnd, relationships? Wrong topic maybe?

Is there any scientific evidence that specifically rules out mythical creatures existing presently or in the past?

There is no scientific evidence that definitively rules out the existence of mythical creatures in the past, as absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. However, the lack of physical evidence, such as fossils or remains, for creatures like unicorns or dragons suggests that they are more likely fictional rather than real beings.

How go to dragons den?

Well there aren't probably any dragons alive today (but they have existed), so there is no such thing as dragon den's anymore. But It's probably a large cave.

In the George and dragon legend what was the dragons name?

The story of St. George and the dragon is a pure fable as dragons never existed. George was an actual person who died the death of a martyr in the 3rd century but he never killed any dragons and, if he did, they had no name.

How can you visit the tower of Babel?

Unfortunately we do not have any evidence whether the tower existed at all and how it looked like exactly. If it existed, it had been destroyed long time ago.

What did George overcome by killing the dragon?

The story of St. George and the dragon is a pure fable as dragons never existed. George was an actual person who died the death of a martyr in the 3rd century but he never killed any dragons.