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No. There is no atmosphere on the moon. Without atmosphere, you cannot have wind or rain.

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Q: Is there any kind of wind or rain on the moon?
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Is there any wind or rain on the moon?

No. The moon has no atmosphere.

What weather effects ski jumping?

wind, snow, rain, sleet, tornados... any kind of precipitation or wind.

Why are the astrounaut foot print still on the moon?

There is no atmosphere on the moon, therefore there is no wind, rain, or snow. Since wind and rain changes the surface of the Earth, there is erosion, but on the moon any form of weather cannot happen, so the footprints of all the Apollo astronauts will remain for at least a few million years.

Is there any wind on the moon?

no there is not

Is there wind in the moon?

Moon has no atmosphere and dusty footprints remain on the moon forever, So there is no wind at all.

What is the reason footprints are on the moon?

There is no wind, and barely any gravity so the footprints will stay on the moon for yyyyyeeeeaaaarrrrrrsssss.

Why isn't there any weather on the moon?

no, the moon has no atmosphere, so there is no wind or any other weather of any kind; in fact, the footsteps of the first astronauts to step on the moon are still there and haven't changed one bit because of the lack of atmosphere.

Why does erosion occur on the moon?

it doesn't happen on the moon ... there no wind , water or any thing else that causes erosion on the moon :)

First song played on the moon?

No drums can not be heard on the moon as the moon does not have any wind or breeze totake the sound anywhere. No drums can not be heard on the moon as the moon does not have any wind or breeze totake the sound anywhere.

Why are the astronauts footprints still on the moon?

The lack of atmosphere means there is no wind, or rain, etc. to either erode or wash away the footprints. The only way for the footprints to be disturbed would be from an impact event, such as a meteor striking the moon's surface near the prints and disturbing the surface.

Does a full moon mean more rain?

AnswerRainfall is not affected by the phases of the moon. Rainfall is affected by local weather conditions such as lows and wind directions, and seasonal variations, such as the "wet and dry seasons of the year".The moon does affect the tides of the oceans, and their rise and fall can be predicted. Tide tables have been around for hundreds of years. Rainfall is less predictable.I DON'T THINK THAT THE MOON HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE RAINFALL.

How does wind affect the severity of a storm?

Wind can affect the severity of the storm because it intensifies it. The stronger the wind is the stronger the storm will be. Wind storms can even happen without there being any rain.