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Q: Is there any materials or metals that will stay cool or cold when heated?
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What replaces heated air at the equator?

Cool Air! As the heated air rises the heated air starts getting cool. This is because the higher the air is the colder it gets. Then the heated air will be replaced with cold air. As the cold air then comes down near the ground the cool air will become heated because of the sun. Heated Air - Cool Air - Cold Air And On And On It Goes

What are metals that expand and contract?

Metals expand when heated because when heat touches the atoms they bounce around even more than they already do so they need more space. When you cool a metal it contracts. Would you get closer to someone when your cold?

What happens when a fluid starts to cool down after being heated?

it gets coldit gets cold

How did ancient people make iron?

They found metals from the earth, heated them up, and poured the liquid out and let it cool, then they shaped it into something useful.

What happens when most hot materilas are cooled?

They shrink in size. If you carefully control how you cool heated materials, you can make precise bends in them.

Why is a hard boiled denser than a raw egg?

because it boils and it gets heated, and the raw egg stayed cold or cool.

What happens to the molecules when a material is heated up or cooled down?

Molecules heat up or cool down. like when you rub your hands together you get warmer and when you go out in the cold you get cold quickly.

Why did your cupcakes contract from the cases on cooling?

Like in Science when metals are heated they expand then contract when they cool.They contract because all of the stach has setteled in.It is always good to cool your cupcakes.

Why are cooling pipes at the top of fridges?

Simply, because that is where the warmest air is, inside a refrigerator. Air rises as it's heated, as heated air is less dense than cold air.

Why would an industry use water to cool heated materials rather that another substance?

They would use water because its abundant inexpensive and you can get it whenever you want it at whatever time

Why does ice cool faster on ice?

I think it has something 2 do with friction of 2 same materials i am really not sure! i think this is because cold on cold is going to make it even colder.

Does bronze always feel cold to the touch?

When Bronze is at room temperature it will feel cool to the touch. However in cold conditins it may freeze your skin on contact, and if heated it may casue serous burns if touched.