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Q: Is there any other force in water than upthrust?
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How does the upthrust effect an object?

The upthrust is the reaction force that water exerts on an object inside water. if the upthust of the water is less than the force exerted by the object, the object sinks in water, and if the upthrust is greater than or equal to the force exerted by the object, the object floats.

Whats the definition for upthrust?

The definition for: Upthrust is a force that helps something float. An object that is partly, or completely, submerged experiences a greater pressure on its bottom surface than on its top surface.

Why does a body loose more weight in honey than in water?

because upthrust force in case of honey is more than water.

Do boats float better on fresh water or salt water?

The floating or sinking of an object depends on the upthrust force the water exerts on the object. By Archmides' principle, Upthrust Force = (Density of Liquid) * (Volume of Liquid Displaced by the object) therefore the upthrust force depends on the density of the liquid, and as salt water has a larger density than fresh water, boats should float better on salt water.

What is the reason for upthrust?

There are several answering services that also have this question or similar ones on it. From, the question asked was: what is upthrust? The answers were: * Upthrust is the upward force exerted on an object in a fluid. It arises as a result of the difference in pressure exerted by the fluid on the surface of the object at different depth. * Up thrust is the force that pushes objects up and makes them seem to loose weight in a fluid (note - a fluid means a liquid or gas) When you are standing on the ground gravity keeps you down but upthrust stops you from falling into the earths core. In a way upthrust makes things hard!! Because if it didn't exist solids wouldn't be solid.An objects density effects how it floats. * Density = Mass * ------- * Volume * Upthrust is also called buoyancy. It is the upward force produced on an object in a fluid (such as air or water). The force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. If that weight is greater than the weight of the object, the object will float in the fluid. If it is equal, it will sit suspended. If it is less, it will sink, but the object will weigh less than it would in a vacuum. Hence, it is easier to pick up a heavy object in water than in air - the amount of displaced water weighs more than the equivalent volume of air, therefore water produces a greater upthrust. In wiki answers the question asked was: = What does upthrust mean? = The answer was: Upthrust is a type of force that pushes upwards

How do balls float?

Well balls float-cos the force of upthrust from the water is pushing them up-and is stronger than gravity.The surface area increases the upthrust-which is why pumped balls float better than deflated.

What are the reason why some things float in the water?

Certain things float in water because their density is less than the density of water. If something experiences more upthrust in water than its weight(upthrust>weight) or upthrust=weight, then it floats in water.

Why do you float on water even though gravity is pulling you down?

This occurs due to the upthrust of water. Water exerts an upward force on the body. It is also called buoyancy.

What is bouyancy force always equal to?

Buoyancy force or upthrust must be equal to the weight of the object for the object to stay afloat. If the weight is greater than the upthrust, the object would sink.

Why is it easy to float in the Dead Sea?

The water in the dead sea has a high concentration of salt, so it has a higher density than normal sea water and a much higher density than regular water. With a higher density the upthrust (force upwards) in the water is larger so it can support more weight than other water.

Why does a person feel lighter when swimming in a pool than when standing on the ground?

it is because of the bouyant force or upthrust

Research that its easier to lift an object in water than in air?

when a body is immersed in a fluid,it experiencednan upward force called upthrust or buoyant force due to the liquid.It is this force that pushes the body up and supports it.