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Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.

(Richard Plantagenet (1411-1460), Duke of York, was descended in many ways from Edward III and had the strongest claim to the English throne. The English Parliament named him heir of Henry VI, but Henry's wife, Queen Margaret, raised a rebellion in favor of her son, Edward, who had been passed over. Richard went into battle but was killed. So he gave battle in vain.)

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Q: Is there any other way you remember the colors of the rainbow?
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There are many colors in the rainbow which one is not?

First of all we should know this :- Any color can be produced by the combination of RGB (Red, green and Blue). Rainbow consists of seven colors including RGB along with the four other colors which are the combination of RGB. Based on this concept we can say there is no color which is not in the Rainbow. All colors are included in the rainbow.

Do friendship bracelets have to be the colors of the rainbow?

No they can be any colour! :)

Why does the rainbow have seven colors?

The rainbow has ALL of the colors in it. Little kids in the First Grade learn seven colors, and many people never learn any more than that. But any color that the human eye can detect is in the rainbow, whether not it even has a name.

Does it cost more to get rainbow braces?

No, it's like getting any other colored braces, the same price just different colors.

What is the importance of the rainbow?

The rainbow offers a representation of the visible spectrum of light for human eyes, this is a wavelength of 400nm. The mnemonic device "Roy G. Biv" is easily remembered to dictate the order of the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Any other visible colors are a derivation of these.

What color do unicorns have?

They are normally white, and sometimes blue. It's very rare to see any other colors. i think i mostly see rainbow colored ones

What colors do you mix to get other colors?

Any colors.

Why isn't the sky zebra print?

the sky is every color of the rainbow. Because of the 2 colors blue and violet, the sky has more blue in it, than any other color. so, the can't be zebra print because black and white are not in the rainbow.

What colors did Dali use?

the colors of the rainbow YOUR WELCOME sean YA you sean that right i know it was you _i_-_-_i_

What color are guppies?

They are a wide variety of colors. The most common colors are red, blue, and green. Guppies Can Come in any Color in the rainbow but the Male are the Prettyer One For Guppies

What are the various colors of diamonds?

Diamonds can come colors based on the impurities they contain. A white diamond is generally pure while impure diamonds can be nearly any color in the rainbow.

Why there is no rainbow at night?

There is no "why" because it's possibl to see a rainbow at night, but rare. The reason is that the source of the colors in the rainbow during the day is the sun, whereas the source at night can only be the moon, which is much less bright, so any rainbow at night would be much less noticeable.