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Q: Is there any pictures of goldfish eggs?
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Must you put the male and female goldfish in the same tank as the eggs?

No, if you do that than the parent goldfish (and any other goldfish around) will eat all the eggs and any possible fry.

Where can pictures of pregnant goldfish be shown?

Goldfish do not get pregnant as they are egg bearing fish rather than live birthing

What do goldfish need to lay their eggs?

goldfish need to lay eggs. Because if they don't no goldfish would be alive and would not be any more so they would become gone forever.

You only have one catfish and a few goldfish and the catfish had eggs how?

Catfish eggs are fertilized by the male after being They must be goldfish eggs. It is nearly impossible to have catfish breed on their own in a tank or pond. Any fish female can have eggs, the eggs are fertilized after the female lays the eggs. So if the eggs hatch then most likely they be goldfish.

Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

Do goldfish lay eggs on fake plants?

yes,because it can really lay its eggs any where it is safe.

Don't want the goldfish eggs?

Don't worry!!! Goldfish eat their own eggs!!! If you want the eggs, then you have to separate the mother from the eggs.

Are goldfish eggs supposed to be fuzzy?

If the goldfish eggs appear "fuzzy" then they are growing fungus.

What do you do if the babies in the goldfish are dead?

Pregnancy is not involved with the reproduction of goldfish, therefore there is no possible way for a goldfish be filled with [possibly] dead babies. Fertilization of a goldfish's eggs occurs outside of the fish's body, and any further development takes place there too.There is a condition in which a female goldfish may get an egg impaction if she does not release her eggs, in this case handspawning the fish(carefully squeezing the fish's abdomen to release the eggs) will eliminate the risk caused by the eggs.

How long does a goldfish stay with its mother?

Goldfish are not livebearers so they are never truly prenant. After the female goldfish lays her eggs a nearby male will release a cloud of milt and fertilize the eggs. After this if the mother and father goldfish are not removed from the eggs the eggs will be eaten. So in short a goldfish does not and should not stay with its mother.

How long is a goldfish pregnancy?

Goldfish do not have a gestation period because the reproduction of goldfish does not, at any point, involve pregnancy. Goldfish lay their unfertilized eggs which are then fertilized by nearby male goldfish. The fertilized eggs then develop and hatch into fry which then grow into baby fish. Goldfish do not BECOME pregnant. They lay eggs and the male goldfish fertilizes them

How Do Male Goldfish Look?

A lot like female goldfish, actually. Seriously, I don't believe there are any visual differences in basic goldfish genders.