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Our contributors have said:
  • It is definitely an important thing to do as a horse owner/caretaker.
  • Grooming your horse daily will make him healthier, as well as happier. It is also a great way to check your horse for any injuries or strange bumps and lumps. Grooming will also help you to develop a stronger bond with your horse.
  • Also, you need to be sure to groom your horse after every time that you ride him. If you don't do this after you ride, your horses skin could become irritated and get rashes. This is extremely uncomfortable for horses and can lead to greater problems.
  • When you don't groom your horse then the horse can become sick, like if a parasite or some disease were to enter the horses system because you didn't groom it, it could prove fatal to the horse.
  • If the caretaker/owner of the horse does not groom the horse bad bacteria will grow and cause parasites and infections that mey become fatal or may make the horse lame. it is very important to groom your horse! and aswell think if you weren't clean you would get infections and become sick and it wouldn't feel very nice and that is what the horse would end up feeling.!!
  • Yes, because it helps build a bond with the horse.
  • Definitely because it helps the horse and rider improve the bond and imagine if you never had a wash or cleaned yourself?! That's what you do to your horse. Clean it. If you didn't it would get dirty and catch bugs.
  • Yes very much it is supposed to relax the horse as if they were getting a massage. It also helps the horses health. For instance in one of the school horses hoof we found a bottle cap because someone hadn't been picking the horses hooves. And it definetly keeps the horse looking it's best. You should groom the horse you are riding before and after you ride it.
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Q: Is there any point in grooming a horse?
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Is there any point in grooming a horse or does it depend on the season?

There are several reasons to groom your horse aside from the obvious one - to clean it! Horses can enjoy the massage - it is very relaxing for the majority of them. A good grooming after a ride can be a treat for your horse. Grooming also benefits a horse because it helps to distribute the oils in the skin and keeps the coat healthy and helps improve circulation.

What is the point of grooming a horse?

if you groom your horses in the winter then it will stay warmer and your horse will be prettier and more comfortable

Can Grooming helps the horse breathe?

No, this has nothing to do with a horse breathing.

What is a Horse grooming scrapper?

a horse grooming scrapper scraps of the water and sweat that in on and under the horses coat, it is very usful on a wet pony.

How does grooming affect a horse heart rate?

There is information that shows grooming your horse can lower his heart rate. This is especially helpful for horses that are stressed or nervous.

Difination of grooming?

Grooming - the act of cleaning, brushing, or otherwise tending (a horse, dog, etc.) ~fezziwink1013

How did a dandy brush get its name?

Have you heard of the phrase "this is handy, dandy"? Well, you can almost use the dandy brush for any grooming on the horse.

Where can one find horse grooming tips online?

There are many websites offering horse grooming tips one could use. Equisearch has an abundance of information on grooming horses. They offer a complete section where one could get grooming tips. Pro Equine Grooms offers checklists and tips on grooming which one could find useful on their site as well.

Can you ride a canoe backwards while grooming a horse?

Probably not

What do you need in you horse grooming tack box?

For a regular days grooming... probably a curry comb, mane and tail brush, dandy brush (for final brushing to shine up the coat), hoof pick, and if you plan on giving your horse a bath regularly, then probably horse shampoo, horse conditioner, sponge and/or rag, and a towel if you dry your horse. her are the basic things you should carry in your grooming tack box.

How do horses act when grooming themselves?

Typically self grooming (or mutual grooming) is a pleasurable activity and the participating horses will relax and enjoy themselves. However they also tend to stay watchful and may take periodic breaks from grooming to check for predators or to see where their herd mates are. If one horse has a sore spot and the other horse finds that spot the sore horse will usually send a signal with the ears, tail or head to let the other horse know that it hurts, which usually causes the other horse to move to a different spot.

What is a sponge used for on a horse?

a sponge is used for washing a horse gently, but not grooming it, brushes or combs are used for that