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No. There are studies on dietary supplements that can delay onset- one is a spice- Tumeric, another a sugar that is present in honey, mushrooms and lobster. But for now, there is no effective treatment. Really wish there was.

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Q: Is there any preventative medicine available for the onset of symptoms for Huntington disease?
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Yes, the pill is not 100% preventative.

Can a baby have symptoms of Huntington's disease?

There is a rare from of HD known as Juvenile Huntington's. Unsure of the youngest patient with it, though.

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ADD/ADHD are genetic predispositions. As far as i know there is no preventative medicine/activities for ADD/ADHD, though there are many things one can do to lessen the symptoms and manage the disorder without medication

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ADD/ADHD are genetic predispositions. As far as i know there is no preventative medicine/activities for ADD/ADHD, though there are many things one can do to lessen the symptoms and manage the disorder without medication

What are symptoms of huntington's disease?

Symptoms of Huntington's disease which is a trinucleotide repeat disorder include movement symptoms. These can be seen through clumsiness, clenching of the jaw, loss of coordination, slurred speech and uncontrolled muscle contractions. Then, there are also mental symptoms such as deterioration of judgment and memory which can lead to dementia. Lastly symptoms can include irritability, behavioral changes, and depression.

Why do people with huntington's disease exhibit different symptoms?

In simplest terms, people are different.

What is the prognosis of Huntington's chorea?

The prognosis of chorea depends on its cause. Huntington's chorea is incurable, leading to the patient's death 10-25 years after the first symptoms appear.

Do the treatments for huntington's disease work and how?

At this time there is no treatment for Huntington's Disease that affects the progress of the disease. There are some drugs than can help treat some of the symptoms of HD.

What are the names of treatments for huntington's disease?

At this time there is no treatment for Huntington's Disease that affects the progress of the disease. There are some drugs than can help treat some of the symptoms of HD.

Can a person have Huntington's Disease without showing any symptoms?

Absolutely. Huntington's disease does not reveal symptoms until ages 30-40 in most cases, so you could live half your life without knowing you had it, unless your doctor told you.

Is there treatment for Huntington's disease?

There are currently no treatments that alter the course of Huntington Disease, although many are in the research stage. Right now all treatments given are to alleviate symptoms.