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"There, so far, is no proof of ghosts existing. However if there is anyone saying that something is wrong or that there house is haunted, Mother Nature is to blame. In many religions, people believe that the aftermath of humanity is spirituality, which is close to a ghost. But remember, if there are ghosts out there, we have no proof they exist." -Tan Marlee, Supernatural.

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12y ago

No, there is no solid evidence of ghosts. TV shows, as previously cited, do not offer concrete evidence of anything, otherwise not only would there be proof of ghosts but also Terminators, vampires, werewolves, X-Men and God. Sorry.

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Q: Is there any proof that ghosts exist?
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What proof is there to prove that ghosts exist?

There is no proof that ghosts exist. Until there is, they are not real. Ghost Buster

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There is no scientific proof that ghosts exist but there are thousands of photographs(not to mention audio or video!):)

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There is some debate regarding whether there are ghosts and Goddesses in the world. Some people believe that ghosts and Goddesses exist while some believe that none of these creatures are real. There does not seem to be any scientific proof that ghosts or Goddesses exist.

Are ghhost real?

Some people believe that ghosts are real. There does not seem to be any real scientific evidence or proof of the existence of ghosts, but there is also no evidence that they do not exist.

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No, because there is no proof that ghosts exist.

What time of day are ghosts uaually sighted?

It is a very common belief that ghosts do not exist. There is no proof otherwise.

How do you know if you can see ghosts?

Ghosts do not exist. It is just a figment of people's imagination. No proof whatsoever they are real.

Why do adults say ghosts don't exist?

Because there are not enough proof to that.

Are there any ghosts in Australia?

No. Ghosts do not exist.

How do you see and speak to ghosts?

In your imagination. No one has discovered any other reliable way. In fact, no one has yet shown proof that they exist.

What are the ghost scared of?

There is no proof that ghosts exist, it is therefore not possible to know what makes them afraid.