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Most verbal abuse is not real abuse and is hard to prove. If the abuse is severe enough and there is proof, a child can be taken from the abuser.

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Q: Is there any punishment in Texas for verbal abuse?
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Do you know any good quotes about verbal abuse?

Love does not create verbal abuse. Dominance does.

What is direct child abuse?

Any form of emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, and neglect.

Is it verbal abuse if the abuse is sent by text?

Yes. -- It is known as cyber bullying and is just as serious as any other type of bullying.

What is the law for verbal abuse in Florida?

Verbal abuse is when adverse comments are used against the sufferer or about the sufferer; it can cause nervous and intellectual upset. In Florida the verbal abuse law states, a premeditated attack of words on any other person paired with the probability to act upon it that it strikes anxiety in another human being that assault is imminent.

What is verbal child abuse?

Yes. Traditionally, Domestic Violence Advocates acknowledge: Verbal Abuse Financial Abuse Psychological Abuse Physical Abuse and Spiritual Abuse I am sure there are more, but the acts of violence will generally fall under one of these subheadings.

What is classified as verbal abuse at work?

People have been known to be arrested for verbal abuse... but that may be due to being aimed at the police. Verbal basically means speaking, so it depends what is said through the verbal use. E.g. bad language aimed at some, name calling these can be classed as verbal abuse

How much emotional and verbal abuse does one teacher have to take from a parent?

a teacher does not have to take any abuse of any kind from any parent. The teacher can call the principal and let the principal deal with the situation.

Does a parent have to listen to verbal abuse from teenager?

No, all people have the right to not receive verbal abuse from anyone even a relative of any age. Speak to the school counselor about the family dynamics and get help. If you have a minister get help from him or her. There are many videos and books available to modify this behavior.

What are the rates of emotional abuse in women?

It's difficult to answer this question because apparently if a couple get into a disagreement and may call each other names in the heat of anger they are considered a verbal abuser. Not true! All couples have their good and bad times. If the verbal abuse is constant and they are trying to tear the person down and strip them of their dignity and independence THAT is emotional abuse. The rates are high (as is physical abuse) because there is more of a population and also more stress on people today. Be it verbal/physical abuse it strikes the rich/poor, and any race.

What is symbolic aggression?

symbolic aggression is any kind of verbal or psychological abuse. It can cause severe mental distress on the person in which it is inflicted on to.

Is your boyfriend mentally abusing you if he calls you names and uses your weaknesses in arguments?

I think so. I think this is verbal and mental abuse. Any way you look at it, it's abuse. Hope i helped. It sounds like mental abuse to me. But you know what? You can leave him! You don't have to stay and take it.

Is cursing at your child abuse?

Yes, it is. It may not seem like it, and while it's not the worse type of abuse out there, it is abuse. And any abuse is not good. Cursing, or yelling or just talking plain mean to them is verbal abuse, and while it may not hurt them physically, it does mentally. And if they are anything like me, they will end up hurting themselves physically because of it.