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No, all people have the right to not receive verbal abuse from anyone even a relative of any age. Speak to the school counselor about the family dynamics and get help. If you have a minister get help from him or her. There are many videos and books available to modify this behavior.

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Q: Does a parent have to listen to verbal abuse from teenager?
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Is slapping a teenager and swearing at teenager abuse?

It is Verbal and Physical abuse. Verbal Abuse is considered with the swearing while the physical is the slapping.

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Isn t right that a parent verbal abuse a child?

No, it isn't right if a parent verbally abuses a child.

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a teacher does not have to take any abuse of any kind from any parent. The teacher can call the principal and let the principal deal with the situation.

When did Verbal Abuse - band - end?

Verbal Abuse - band - ended in 1995.

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Verbal Abuse - band - was created in 1981.

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Love does not create verbal abuse. Dominance does.

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Is verbal assault or abuse a crime in Washington state?

From my brief research it appears that both verbal abuse AND mental abuse are both chargeable offenses under WA law.

Is verbal abuse a valid reason to stop my child for his court ordered visitation?

While verbal abuse certainly is not in the best interest of the child, you can't take it upon yourself to go against the orders of the court by refusing the other parent visitation. Doing so would place you in violation of the court, for which you could be charged with "contempt of court". This would certainly be of no help to you, or your child. You need to call your attorney to advise you on how to handle this. But, be prepared to give proof of the verbal abuse, since verbal abuse can be subjective to opinion by the court. Each time you learn of an incident of the verbal abuse, document the date, what was said to the child, and in what context. This will make your case much more credible, should you have to go back to court.

What are solutions to verbal abuse?

There are various potential solutions to verbal abuse. For example, you could try to contact the local law enforcement department.

Is swearing at someone considered abusive?

Yes it is abuse , it is called mental abuse and things can turn physical if you don't get out of that situation. Good question ! Its not mental abuse, it is verbal abuse, but you need to let someone a teacher, or a parent know, so it can be stopped before it goes to far and turns into physical abuse. Very nice question!!!!