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The answer is no. Compared with other objects in space black holes are quite small and emit no light or radiation, which makes them impossible to image across interstellar distances. Theoretically, you could see the event horizon of a black hole as a black ball against a background of stars, with light around it being severely distorted. However, the nearest black holes to us are many light years away, much farther than we are capable of traveling or sending probes. We do have simulated videos based on calculations on how black holes behave.

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Can you show a video of a Black hole?

at the moment there are not any videos of a black hole because the distance is to long for us to get a satellite to take a video of one. There and the pictures where they think there is one is to far to get a image of more than a few pixels.

Do Black holes suck in all Matter?

No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

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Any matter that enters the black hole will be destroyed. Also, it will increase the black hole's size.

Can any black hole turn into a neutron star?

No. A black hole will remain a black hole. A neutron star is a remnant of a star not massive enough to become a black hole.

Can any one go into black hole?

noone can go black hole as the name suggest it is a hole which is black so how any one can go ad com back...

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We know nothing about the conditions within a black hole, but it seems unlikely that a black hole could exist within a black hole, or even if this concept would have any meaning at all.

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Is there a black hole in our solar system?

No, we have not seen any evidence of a black hole in our solar system.

Are there any black hole in the sombrero Galaxy?

That is very likely. 1) Every larger galaxy, or most of them, have a supermassive black hole in their center. 2) Since a certain percentage of star eventually become a stellar black hole, any galaxy should have several stellar black holes,in addition to the supermassive black hole.

Can any thing escape a black hole?

Once anything crosses the black hole's event horizon it will not be able to escape.

Is any black hole is near to earth?

There is a black hole close to Earth, yes. It is 1,600 light years away.

What is inside of a black hole?

All the matter that collapsed into the black hole, as well as any matter that fell into the black hole after the initial collapse. The only distinguishable part of such matter is its mass - any structures of matter, even atoms, get destroyed.