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Is there any signs on an ultrasound scane to show the sex of baby

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Q: Is there any signs on an ultrasound scan to show the sex of your baby?
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An ultrasound scan will show if you have had a miscarriage. Sometimes you may bleed from near the placenta (afterbirth) but you don't miscarry and it will show this too. Sometimes you bleed and lose the baby but not all the placenta comes away which can be dangerous, causing bleeding and/or infection. the ultrasound scan can show all these things.

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metal objects show up on a ultrasound scan because when it hits a new media, It will reflect and slow down, so compressed objects will show easily on ultrasound scans.

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Tell him or show him a picture of the ultrasound or show him baby clothing.

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Can you be pregnant for 41weeks and ultrasound couldn't detect the baby?

No, by that stage in a pregnancy, the baby would be ready to be delievered and would definitely show up on an ultrasound.

Is their a big difference in a 5wk ultrasound scan and 7wk and 5 days scan?

Yes. The ultrasound at five weeks will show the yolk sac. The fetus may or may not be visible yet as a small tube shape. By seven to eight weeks, the scan will show a little triangular shape embryo with the body cavities visible, and a beating heart.

Why is it so hard to get your hcg levels to show up on tests urine and blood even when you feel the baby move?

you are feeling a ghost baby u r not it is what they call aghost baby It may be a phantom pregnancy, or it may be that you are so late in your pregnancy that the HCG has dropped back as the other hormones have taken over. An ultrasound scan will show if you are pregnant.

What is determined by the 20 week ultrasound during pregnancy?

The 20 week ultrasound will determine if the baby is developing normally. The baby's size and the position of the umbilical cord will show. It is also possible to find out the baby's sex at 20 weeks.

When does a fetus show arms legs on ultrasound?

This happens around the 5th week of pregnancy. But will not be able to see this on a scan until your 16 weeks

Can i be pregnant and a ultrasound not detect it?

yes, i had a doctor tell me that an ultrasound will not show a pregnancy until 5 weeks. that is not a fact but just what i was told. when i was pregnant the ultrasound lady had a hard time seeing my baby and i was 5 weeks, i had to go back the next week and she saw the baby perfect.

Why might your baby's ultrasound show he had fluid in the neck?

I think you had a nuchal scan, done at around 12 weeks. This measures the fluid at the back of the neck and MAY, only MAY be an indication of Down's syndrome. You will probably be offered an amniocentesis which will give a diagnosis. A friend of mine had twins, both of whom had positive signs. She had a double amnio, both of which were negative and her babies are fine, (now about 1 year old)