

Is there any treatment for unilateral SN hearing loss?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is there any treatment for unilateral SN hearing loss?
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Is there any cure for sn hearing loss?

there is no cure for any type of hearing loss. like eyes, once its gone its gone

My child has profound hearing loss.he is using hearing aids.Is there any way or method or medicine that helps us to go to normal hearing of my child?

Provided that your child's hearing loss is sensorineural and not conductive - and if it is profound it is certainly at least partially sensorineural - then no, there is no medical treatment or intervention that will correct his/her hearing loss. If your child is having a profound sensorineura hearing loss, please consider a cochlear implant to achieve the closest to normal hearing. My advice as a cochlear implant surgeon would be - dont delay, to avoid neural plasticity.

If someone has mild hearing loss and does not use a hearing aid will this accelerate further hearing loss?

AnswerA hearing aid will not accelerate your hearing loss or improve the underlying condition. You hearing loss could progress due to age, genetics, noise or medications but not the hearing aid.Ok but does using an aid have any effect on further loss in other words if not using an aid does a condition deteriorate quicker than if wearing one?

Can hearing loss be caused by firing a 155 howitzer?

Hearing loss WILL happen by firing any gun without protection. Of course the level of hearing loss that will occur will depend on the gun and for how long and how frequently one gets exposed to it, but firing ANY type of gun without ear protection is not safe.

What percentage of deaf under 18 are born with it?

The answer to this question will begin with a simply explanation of the term "deaf." Deaf or deafness is sometimes used inappropriately for any amount of hearing loss. However, deafness really refers to hearing loss that is so great that hearing aids provide little or no help with communication. Most persons with hearing loss can hear some sounds and, therefore, are more appropriately referred to as "hard of hearing", or "hearing impaired" rather than deaf. Approximately 3 children out of every 1000 are born with severe-to-profound hearing loss, that is, the amount of hearing loss often referred to as deafness. The prevalence of congenital hearing loss (present at birth) increases up to 6/1000 if all amounts of hearing loss are taken into account, including hearing loss only in one ear. Recent studies show that the prevalence of hearing loss increases in childhood so that up to 14% of all teenagers have some degree of difficulty hearing. Different factors account for the increase in childhood hearing loss with age, among them risk indicators for delayed onset and progressive hearing loss plus preventable causes such as exposure to excessively loud sounds. Hearing in infants and young children is essential for the development of speech and language skills, communication, and learning. The impact of hearing loss on the acquisition of speech and language begins within the first 6 months after birth, before a child has even uttered a single word. Early hearing loss detection and intervention (EHDI) has expanded greatly within the past 15 to 20 years. EHDI programs are now in place throughout the United States and in many developed countries to find as soon as possible infants and young children with any amount of hearing loss, and to provide prompt and appropriate intervention for the hearing loss. A large body of research confirms the benefits of early intervention for hearing loss. With early and appropriate intervention, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and auditory therapy, any child with any degree of hearing loss can develop normal speech and language abilities.

What is the purpose of rehabilitation?

Aural Rehabilitation is an attempt to identify and diagnose various types of hearing loss. Aural rehabilitation can help patients to increase their hearing abilities and overcome any handicaps that may have stemmed from the aforementioned hearing loss.

Definition of hearing impairment?

Hearing impairment is any loss of hearing for a variety of reasons. It refers to a condition that causes someone not to hear as well as someone with normal hearing. It does not refer to the degree of hearing loss, the cause of hearing loss or the indication that someone should wear a hearing aid. Not all causes of hearing loss indicate the need for a hearing aid...some may be corrected medically. If you ask others to repeat, find yourself turning up the tv, missing out on the punchline of a joke, missing out on important meeting facts, you might be experiencing some degree of hearing impairment.

Can a hearing aid help with peripheral hearing loss?

Peripheral hearing loss results from disorders or dysfunction affecting the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, or the auditory nerve running from the inner ear to the lower regions of the brain, known as the brainstem. These structures together are called the peripheral auditory system. The central nervous system consists of the brainstem and other regions of the brain like the cerebral cortex. A common example of an outer ear disorder is an accumulation of excessive earwax (cerumen) in the external ear canal. Otitis media, commonly called an ear infection, is one type of middle ear disorder. Hearing loss due to outer ear or middle ear disorders is often minimized or corrected with medical or surgical treatment. A person with these types of hearing disorders should consult with otolaryngologist (ENT physician) or an otologist (ear surgeon) before considering a hearing aid.Many causes of inner ear disorders result in hearing loss. Hearing due to exposure to loud sound … noise-induced hearing loss … and decreased hearing with advanced age (presbycusis) are the two most common examples of inner ear disorders. Physicians often inappropriately use the term "nerve deafness" to describe hearing problems involving the inner ear or the auditory nerve. The term is inaccurate for two reasons. Almost all of these are not deaf but, rather, hearing impaired or hard of hearing. Also, the site of dysfunction is almost always the inner ear, not the auditory nerve. A more appropriate term is "sensorineural" hearing loss that implies the disorder might be in the inner ear (sensory structure) or the auditory nerve (neural structure), or sensory hearing loss if the inner ear is the site of disorder.Sensory hearing loss is more common that other types and almost everyone with sensory hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. Today's hearing aids with computer programmable technology come in a variety of styles so they can be fit to just about any hearing loss. Hearing aids amplify soft inaudible sound but they don't correct hearing loss. Nonetheless, with properly fit hearing aids a person with a sensory type hearing loss will hearing speech much easier and will communicate more effectively.Auditory nerve disorders are rare. They typically occur on one side (unilateral), whereas most forms of inner ear disorders are associated with hearing loss in both ears (bilateral). Although auditory nerve disorders are unusual, early detection and proper management are important because the cause may be a tumor located in a tight region near the brain.Children or adults with suspected hearing loss should consult with an audiologist or a medical specialist known as an otolaryngologist (ENT physician). Audiologists perform a variety of tests to verify that a hearing loss is present and then to describe the hearing loss including the site of dysfunction in the auditory system and how much the hearing loss is impacting communication.

Why do workmen who uses drills suffer hearing loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by any number of things. Individuals who use loud equipment, including power tools, for a living have a higher propensity for hearing loss. This is because exposure to loud noise, especially for a prolonged period of time, can damage cells in the hearing organ (cochlea) that are responsible for hearing. Unfortunately, this type of hearing loss is permanent and irreversible. Therefore, it is important to always use hearing protections (ear muffs, or ear plugs) when around loud noise.For more information on Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) see the related link for an article by the Center for Disease Control.

Are there any quick remedies for hair loss treatment for men?

Hair loss treatment for men is crucial, however there is no quick fix remedy for the same. You need to visit a good trichologist to get the best treatment for your issue.

How can you differentiate between age related hearing loss and neurosensory hearing loss?

Age related hearing loss or Presbycusis, is describing a possible cause of hearing loss that is best attributed by aging as the "possible cause". Sensorineural hearing loss is a description of a type of hearing loss determined by a hearing test. Confusing? Well, the easiest way is to describe it is : determine your age? can you best descibed as a older person? We can use a example, you may be you over 60 years old and have just had a hearing test and it has been been determined that you have a gradual decline in your hearing that is sensorinueral in nature. It may be described as a sign of aging hearing loss and you may need a hearing aid. Sensorineral hearing loss, however can affect anyone at any age, at any time suddenly or long term decline in your hearing. A easier way to understand is needing reading glasses as you get older, aging hearing loss means your hearing is changing do to possible age related conditions and a hearing aid can provide help to understand speech such as reading glasses helps with reading. You can still hear and you can still see, but not as well as you used to so a little help can make a world of difference. "Sensorineural" hearing loss is a description of hearing loss that is based on the area affected is the hearing nerves located in the inner ear (cochlea) loss. A hearing test can determine the type of loss and Hearing losses can decribed of three types Conductive-which means something is wrong with the mechanical parts of the hearing process. A example is a hole in the eardrum. Sensorineural- which means something wrong with the electrical parts of the hearing process. A example like measles. Mixed- is a combined hearing loss in both parts of the hearing process. Next step is to determine the possible cause of the hearing loss, in most cases there may be no obivious reason. So, Presbycusis may be used as possible cause and description of what would be reasonable and expected for a aging person. As we get older, we notice that a lot of body parts wear out from use and changes that we go through are more pronounced. For example. skin cuts may take longer to heal, knees and hips joints wear out, short term memory becomes less sharp. With the ears the hearing nerve cells (which we think, do not replace themselves) become worn out and become less dense or sparse just like the hair on the head of a older person. We understand that all parts of the hearing system wear out from use such as the eardrum, hearing bones, hearing nerves and most important of all the hearing part of the brain, that is the ability to understand speech and sound. All together that adds up to hearing loss due to aging.

Why is an insurance contract a unilateral contract?

a unilateral contract is one in which one party 's promise is exchanged with other party's act. insurance contract is unilateral because one party ie the insured pays premium regularly and the insured ie the other party promises to compensate for any loss caused to the insured. here the act of paying premium by insured is exchanged with the promise of insurer.