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Unless the water vapor steam has unknown chemicals in it or you burn a sizable percentage of your body with it, then probably not. If you get badly burned, your system undergoes great levels of stress that will weaken your immune defenses to fend of various infections. The immune system normally guards against diseased cells from replicating to form tumors. If the steam is partly composed of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), then perhaps yes, since certain of these could be known toxic compounds that might more directly enter your system through the lungs. Sometimes the digestive tract can guard against some toxins, but the lungs do not offer anywhere near the protective abilities of the GI tract. The purity of the steam mixture may not be "well controlled" so that the levels of its toxic constituents may vary over time. Some factions working within the government regulatory establishment are influenced by lobbying to permit higher levels of exposure to certain dangerous toxins so that industrial plants can be permitted to pollute the environment more (until people start getting sick and complain when testing reveals that "exposure levels are just fine").

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Q: Is there any way that steam could cause cancer?
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