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Q: Is there any way to clean your mouth of some one elses saliva?
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What are some special features of the mouth?

The mouth has teeth and saliva. which helps to digest easily.

Why is morning breath bad?

Saliva plays a great role in helping to rid the mouth of some bacteria. Chemically, it contains an enzyme called lysozyme which helps to clean bacteria; physically, saliva helps to flush your mouth and carries some bacteria to your stomach where they are killed off by gastric acid. While you sleep, you produce far less saliva. This allows for the bacteria that cause bad breath to reproduce in your mouth. So in the morning you wake up with bad breath.

Where does most of the 2.2 liters f saliva that are secreted everyday go?

Most of your saliva is swallowed and some of it usually dribbles out your mouth when you are asleep

How can you make marijuana go away from saliva?

Use something strong such as soda, Coke is preferable because the carbonation somehow absorbs the smell and taste and it has a strong taste, after u rinse your mouth out with that u can alwsy brush your teeth or just use some gum.

What moistens the bolus in the mouth?

While being masticated, the bolus is mixed and ground in with saliva from the glands in the mouth, which naturally makes it moist. Saliva also contains the enzymes amylase and lipase, which begin the breakdown of some macronutrients, like carbs.

What do you taste when you sneeze?

Some individuals have stated that they are able to taste something strange after sneezing. This is caused by the old saliva that builds up in the mouth and mucus. Sneezing causes the saliva to be interrupted, thus enabling it to be forced into the part of the mouth, in which it can be tasted.

What is the function of the submandibular gland?

The submandibular glands are a pair of salivary glands that are located in the bottom of the mouth, on each side of the lower jaw. The main function of the submandibular glands is to control the saliva released into the area of the mouth that is located just under the tongue. They produce saliva and amylase. Both help begin the process of digestion.

Can dog saliva affect humans when licked on skin or mouth?

I personally have had allergic reactions to some saliva from dogs and cats when it comes in direct contact with my skin. I have also found that since animals clean themselves by licking their fur, that if an animal has not been bathed frequently the build up of the saliva in the fur has caused a reaction to my skin also. If the animal has not been bathed in a long time, i have also had sinus reactions which include congestion, and sneezing.

How is dry mouth diagnosed?

The patient will state that his or her saliva is very thick or non-existent. Finding the cause of the dry mouth may be more difficult and require some laboratory testing.

Where does carbohydrates first start changing to simple sugars?

Digestion begins in the mouth, since chewing is part of digestion, and saliva does contain some digestive enzymes.

If you don't rub the swab on your gums during a saliva drug test can you pass it?

No. Bleach not only has a very distinct smell, which one could easily detect while obtaining the actual swab (which would fail you instantly before beginning the test). Also, saliva is continuously flowing from your mouth along with the proof of your drug of choice. And although bleach MIGHT clean the unwanted chemical from your mouth the moment of brushing, any time afterward would be a sure fail.

Can cranberry pills help you pass a saliva swab test?

no. the only way to POSSIBLY pass a saliva swab test is by completely rinsing out your mouth with some sort of acid. and no not acid that you take to get high, i mean scorching, melting, burning acid. my advice dont do it. cause when they do a saliva swab test they arent only taking saliva, but their scraping skin cells off the inside of your mouth. so you have to be clean for a while then literally burn all the skin cells you have on the inside of your mouth. but that doesnt even take care of the saliva part. if your actually willing to go thru this then you have a serious problem and should get steralized so you can do the world a favor and not reproduce.. im not joking, im serious. DUDE YOUR A DOUCH FOR TELLING PEOPLE THAT YOU COULD PU HUCK UP SOMEONE YOUNG AND DUMB THATS DESPERATE TO PASS A DRUG TEST. AND YES THEY CAN BE PASSED YOU NEED SOMETHING THAT CAUSES COTTON MOUTH REAL BAD AND THEN YOUR MOUTH IS TO DRY OR YOU RINSE WITH SOMETHING SLIPPERY AND WATERPROFF LIKE PUT VASELINE IN YOUR MOUTH OR SHAMPOO THINGS LIKE THAT ITS BEEN DONE EASILY