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Usually if the police have you nailed to the wall, there isn't any way to get out of an assault charge. However, some states have "provokation" as a defense to prosecution. What that means is that if a normal, average, "reasonable man" would have been so provoked by what happened to you that they too would have hit first, you might be able to have the charge reduced to a lesser offense (or even dropped).

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Q: Is there any way to get out of a 3rd degree assault charge if you hit someone first?
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If someone causes or attempts to cause serious physical injury to another, they will be arrested for 1st degree assault.An intent to cause serious harm to another person often includes a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument.

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Assault in the second degree is a felony. There is no standard sentence since every case is different and the laws vary in different jurisdictions. Sentencing varies and generally is determined after a trial.

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In Perth, Western Australia, the punishment is as follows: Depending on the level of injury, it would be either 1st or 2nd degree assault. First degree is a level 11 felony carrying roughly 9 years for someone with no history and 25 years for someone with the max history. If it is second degree assault, it is a level 4 felony carrying 9 months for somoene with no history or 5 years for someone with the max history.

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There is no legislated minimum for 3rd degree felony assault.

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It is an M4 misdemeanor (The lowest possible misdemeanor) aka a 4th Degree Misdemeanor in Ohio, just as long as guns or firearms are not involved. Then the charge becomes much more serious. But usually they will charge you with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon if you are using firearms, knives, or other deadly weapons.

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Its considered a first degree assault. The punishment would be few hours of community service and a Misdemeanor on the record. If the person already has bad record, the punishment could be more severe.

In criminal terms what does first degree am mean?

Answer First degree means that someone outright plotted to kill someone.

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