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you can cover it with a blanket, put a spacer heater in the room or even Get a heated perch

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Q: Is there any way to keep a parakeet cage a little bit warmer?
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Can you keep an Alexander parakeet in the same cage as a budgerigar?

No you can't the Alexander parakeet.

Would a mustache parakeet keep talking if a budgie parakeet is in a separate cage?

not if there freinds

I have a dog and am looking to get a parakeet will this bother my dog?

OK if u buy a parakeet nothing will happen.

Can you keep a cockatiel in a parakeet cage?

Parakeet cages are generally very small, so I wouldn't recommend it. A rule of thumb is that a bird must have a large enough cage to be able to fully spread his wings, and it must be deep enough so that the bird's tail isn't damaged. Unless the parakeet cage in question is fairly large, then it should be fine. Also remember that the smaller of a cage you buy for your cockatiel, the more out-of-cage time you should provide him.

Can you put a small heat lamp in a parakeets bird cage to keep them warm?

I have a parakeet . The answer is NO!!! It will over heat them or scare them half to death.

How would a girl parakeet react to a new boy parakeet?

If you're asking how to introduce them, here's how. Take them out and put them in a different cage. Keep them there for a few days, then put them in the old cage. make sure you have two food and water dishes-- one for each of them. Then, they will not get territorial and fight to the death. Or, you could just put a cage divider in until they get used to each other.

Are you allowed to keep two parakeets in the same cage that don't now each other?

No, the parakeet police will come and shoot them both in the face if somebody tells on you.

Should I get fish or should I get a parakeet?

Get the parakeet if you can keep up with it

Is the parakeet endangered?

the golden parakeet is endangered because people keep cutting down trees in brazil.

What are some things you can do with your parakeet to keep her happy and healthy and entertained?

Build them a playground near their cage. Mine love the bird bath with their veggies in it. Check you tube for more ideas.

Where can you keep your guinea pig?

a spacy cage with a little shelter made of wood

Is it safe to keep your dead parakeet?

No why ask this?