

Is there anything other than aphids that ladybugs eat?

Updated: 4/7/2020
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13y ago

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They will eat raisins and bread. Not the whole grain kind.

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Q: Is there anything other than aphids that ladybugs eat?
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Related questions

Can ladybugs eat?

Yes, they eat aphids, which are small, green insects smaller than ladybugs.

Do ladybugs eat more than just aphids?

most ladybugs do but I think somewhere in the wold there are some that don't like maybe in other countries or something.

What are ladybugs feeding habits?

Most ladybugs are predators, only a few species are herbivores, ladybugs generally feed on aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites and many more. Female ladybugs, eat much more than a male, a female can eat up to 75 aphids a day, and males only 40 a day

What types of veggies do ladybugs eat?

Lady bugs don't eat veggies they eat other bugs that is why gardeners like them.

How is a lady bug important to life on earth?

Ladybugs are important because they eat little bugs called aphids. Aphids drink the sap of plants and if they increase their numbers they could cause the plant to dry up. So ladybugs are a biological control for aphids and that is why gardeners love them.

Where in the world do ladybugs live?

Rosebushes, bases of trees, flowers, climbing up plants...... They are found almost everywhere in the world except cold places. Ladybugs like lots of sunlight and plants that aphids live. Ladybugs eat aphids, so if you see aphids you will most likely be able to find ladybugs. Hope this helps :)

Are black ladybirds poisonous?

All ladybugs bite. I've never heard of black ones, but if they really are ladybugs, they can bite if they think you're going to hurt them. >i dont know but i think someone can answer this for me?

How do Ladybugs Help Organic Farming?

Ladybugs are great. They eat insects that farmers consider to be pests, like aphids, and don't harm plants themselves. So if you have enough ladybugs and the right climate, you could eliminate your need for pesticides on some plants, which aids organic farming significantly. Unfortunately ladybugs cost a lot more than pesticide, so it's not common practice in commercial farming.

Do ladybugs eat larvae?

well they eat leaves and sometimes fruit bits i have loads of ladybugs in my house i think i heard from someone that choclate iswell but dont do that never no could itract more than just ladybugs

Do ladybirds eat anything else than aphids and dried fruit?

yes, they can eat fresh leaves and strawberries

Do lady bugs eat grass?

In general most species of ladybugs (ladybird) are carniverous they eat other small insect (both in the larval and adult stages of their lifecycle), they prey mainly on aphids and aphid nymphs. There are a few however that are considered minor agricultural pests, as they feed on vegetation, but are nor really considered pests of economic significance. In general they do much more good than harm, eating many common garden pests. Refer to the related link for more information:

What sort of eye do ladybugs have?

So ladybugs have white eyes that makes them see better than other animals. i guess their eyes are white to scare away their prays.