

Is there is space outside universe to make it expand?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No. It is space itself that is expanding.

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Q: Is there is space outside universe to make it expand?
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We as humans currently do not know for sure what the exact size of the universe is due to technological limitations, and the universe is likely infinite in space. However, we do know how far we can see into the universe. From our vantage point on Earth, we can observe objects up to about 46 billion light years away, proving that the universe is in fact quite large! As mentioned above we do not know really how big the Universe is. However, in recent years, using methods not even conceived of until recently, it is fairly certain that the time since the Big Bang which is the beginning of the Universe as we know it is very close to 13.7 billion years. This has come from the WMAP satellite which measured the Microwave Background Radiation which is the remnant of the original energy release from that incredible explosive beginning of the Universe. Now that would normally mean that the Universe should not be more then 13.7 billion light years in any direction. This seems to be what we are seeing when we look out into the very limits of the Universe using our best telescopes in space and on the ground. There is a possibility that the Universe could be much bigger then that as the Big Bang theory requires a brief period of "Inflation" were the expanding space of the Universe had to travel much faster then the speed of light briefly in order to make all the observed consequences of the Big Bang theory come to pass. This could expand the whole Universe well beyond the limits of the time involved. So far this has not proven to be the case. Yet space can expand faster then the speed of light. Remember travel in space is managed by the "Higgs Field" which limits travel to the speed of light. Whereas space itself can expand faster then the speed of light as there is no restriction in how fast space itself can expand, it just requires an enormous amount of energy which was available for only a short time immediately after the Big Bang occurred. That means within quintillionth's of a second.

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There is no reason to think so. However, we have no evidence to make a conclusion either way.

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It really doesn't make sense to talk about a constellation being inside or outside the Milky Way. A constellation is, roughly speaking, a general direction in space. This general direction goes all the way to infinity... or however far our Universe goes. There are objects in this general direction both within and outside our Milky Way.

What is the shape of the space?

space, or the universe, has no defined shape it is constantly expanding, as everything gets farther and farther apart When it comes to the universe the size and shape are undefinable, unless you get into really hardcore theoretical physics that make sense only to Stephen hawking

What did the big bang scatter through space?

The Universe! Initially everything was crammed into an infinitesimally small point but since the Big Bang all the matter and energy that make up our Universe has been expanding outwards.