

Is there metal in iron vitamins?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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14y ago

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Of course it doesn't, if you had metal in it you would turn into Iron Man :( that would really suck :(

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14y ago
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1w ago

Iron vitamins contain iron, but they do not contain metal in the sense of being a metallic substance. Iron is a mineral essential for the body's function, particularly in the production of red blood cells.

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11y ago

There is Iron Oxide in my packet here, which is vitamins and iron.

Not sure if having rust as a method of iron intake is safe tho...

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8y ago

Calcium and Iron are minerals.Minerals are inorganic elements that come from the soil and water and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals.

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Iron is a metal. It is a chemical element with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. Iron is a common metal found in the Earth's crust and is known for its strength and durability.

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Iron is a metal, specifically, a transition element.

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Most vitamins have a small amount of iron.However, if a person has severe iron deficiency, they will be prescribed iron tablets containing much more iron.It would not be a bad idea for menstruating women to take vitamins with iron due to their periodic blood loss.

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On the contrary -- Iron is a metal.

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Iron (Fe) is a metal.

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Iron is a pure metal element when in its elemental form. However, it is often used in alloys, such as steel, where it is combined with other elements to enhance its properties, such as strength and corrosion resistance.

Is iron oxide a metal?

No, it is a compound of a metal and a nonmetal. Pure iron is a metal, however.

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proteins,iron, vitamins of B group and dietary fibre

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